Category Archives: Form 2290 Amendment

You could renew your HVUT Form 2290 even during the weekend before Sept. 3!

Truckers, a majority of HVUT payers have a basic misconception if they would be able to file the HVUT Form 2290 during the weekend assuming that it would work the same way as being filed at the local IRS facility but in reality it’s not.

Yes, you read that right. The IRS e-file systems are open 24/7 and they would accept any tax returns within the next 30 minutes from the time the tax return has been filed. So, why do you want to hold up until the next working day to e-file your HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020 when you got a chance today!

The HVUT Form 2290 is now due for vehicles that are into service since July and the general deadline before the annual 2290 been filed is the end of August. Else, the Form 2290 is also considered to be pro-rated for newly purchased vehicles, in that case the Form 2290 needs to be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

On that basis, now it’s not only the time to renew your Annual HVUT Form 2290 besides it’s also the time to file the pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 for the vehicles first used since July 2019. So Act fast and do not let this deadline eat your wallet in the form of penalty by procrastinating this HVUT.

Our tax expert team is now available during weekends to address your HVUT Form 2290 renewal queries up until the deadline Sept. 3 2019. Feel free to call us for any assistance. God Bless America! God Bless our Truckers!

How to report an Increase in the Taxable Gross weight on your 2290?

Hello there truckers, over this article we are going to discuss on how to go about reporting an increase in the Gross weight of your truck. We on daily basis receive calls from our clients required to file an amended 2290 to correct the mistake occurred on their taxable gross weight of the vehicle. Now refers to this article to get a clear picture on this scenario.

Basically the Form 2290 is known to be the Heavy Highway vehicle used tax return which is filed on vehicles which possess a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same truck is been used over the public highway for commercial purposes.

Having said that 55,000 is the minimum weight required to be able to qualify for a Heavy Vehicle however it must not be assumed to the maximum weight of a truck, Heavy trucks tonnage index refers to weights over a 100,000 lbs easy. So, when there is a requirement for a change of the gross weight of the vehicle, all you need is an amended 2290 Form.

By filing an amendment you’d only make the difference in the tax due payment in accordance to the increase in the gross weight in lbs. As there is a $22 increase versus an increase of every 1000 lbs. By filing the amended Form 2290, you would receive a new copy of schedule 1 with a digital watermarked indicating e-filed with the date stamp.

E-File your HVUT Form 2290 via to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your e-mail within minutes after you e-file. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

Low Mileage Vehicle Credit or Suspended/Exempt Category? Explained!

Hello there Truckers, doesn’t this question sound familiar to you? Almost on a daily basis, we receive calls as such inquiring about How do I/where do I report my truck that is not used above the desired mileage for exemption? The common misconception that evolves amongst many HVUT e-filers is that both these terms sound similar. However in terms of Form 2290 they are different attributes.

While e-filing your HVUT Form 2290, you might have noticed the section, Suspended/Exempt vehicles this section is basically to report when the heavy vehicle is been used under the desired mileage limit for exemption (5000 miles for Commercial & Logging based Units) & (7500 miles for Agricultural based Units) In this case, you need not make any tax payments to the IRS as they are exempt but you still got to report the vehicle on this Form to legally claim an exemption.

On the other hand, The Term Low mileage vehicle credits sounds to be referring to low mileage or exempt vehicles, but in reality it’s related to Claiming a refund on the Taxes paid full in advance on a low mileage vehicle. Upon realization of the mileage recorded by the end of the tax period for which the tax payment was made full in advance, you claim a full refund back from the IRS during the renewal of the following tax year’s tax return.

Sounds confusing? Well here’s an example: John purchased a commercial utility vehicle in July 2018 and he needs to get his vehicles registered with the state authorities so does he needs to file a Form 2290 report. So he reported the vehicle on the Form 2290 (For the period beginning July 1st, 2018 through June 30th, 2019) and made an upfront tax payment to the IRS. However, due to unforeseen mechanical wear & tear unfortunately the truck was not used quite actively as he expected hence it recorded an overall mileage that is less than/below the actual mileage limit for exemption as (5000 miles)

Now, he’s got to renew his Form 2290 for the upcoming period (For the period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020. During this time, he’s got a chance to claim a full refund on the tax paid for past tax year on the renewal form so evidently the tax due amount will be nullified on the renewal form. On the other hand, If John does not seem to own any trucks during the next renewal, he can simply claim a full refund (Form of cash) by filing the Form 8849 Schedule 6 ( Claim for refund of excise taxes) and wait until 21 business days to receive a refund check back in his mailing address.

Economically E-File your HVUT Form 2290 via and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 back in your e-mail instantly. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

Despite the Government Shutdown, you still can e-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290!

Hey there truckers, this article is to indicate that we got a near term tax deadline by Jan 31st, 2019 only for the Heavy Vehicles which are operational on the road since Dec 2018. Despite that fact that how many days the truck was operational throughout the month, the HVUT would be due by the last day of the following month. Since, Form 2290 is due on any vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

Only when you’re truck is going to be used over 5000 miles from the time you place the truck on the road up until June of the following year, you pay taxes on the vehicle on a pro-rated basis by reporting your vehicle to be a Taxable vehicle. (A Partial tax payment calculated from the vehicle’s first used month through June of the following year).

Whereas, if the truck is going to be used under 5000 miles and if you are affirmative about that fact, you may simply go ahead and report your vehicle on a Form 2290 as a Suspended Vehicle ( Meaning it’s basically exempt from paying taxes despite the number of months it’s really been used on the highway)

E-filing your annual HVUT is isn’t a rocket science. It is way simpler than you imagine. We got the most user friendly application setup for you where e you’d be able to fill out your tax return by simply answering few questions during the filing process and rest is been taken care by our application in terms of generating your report in a PDF (Portable Document Format) . Post reviewing your tax PDF, you may electronically transmit your tax return to the IRS for acceptance.

As a result you’d be able to print the proof of filing digitally watermarked by the Internal Revenue Service back in your registered e-mail address within minutes for your documentation purposes. The same copy can be used as the legal proof of filing during your vehicle registration purposes.

Please feel free to reach our support team @ (347) 515 2290 [9. AM through 5 PM, Central Standard Time including weekends and all major federal holidays] or write us: or Live chat with our support team for instant help.

E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 before the IRS scheduled Downtime!

Truckers, may we have your kind attention please. You all know very well that the HVUT Form 2290 is generally filed every year during July through Aug. However, when it comes to the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 the IRS has a different deadline as per their law, the deadline to E-File a Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 must be the last day of the month following the month of its first use. Continue reading

Don’t panic when you’re truck exceeds exemption miles. Here’s what you need to do!

Hey there Truckers, in this article we are going to discuss what you need to do when your truck exceeds the exemption limits. Wanted to know more briefly, here it is… Generally Form 2290 is a Federal Tax Paid to the Internal Revenue Service (U.S. Department of Treasury) which is annually due. This tax is basically pro-rated and the taxes are paid up front. Continue reading

Missed your Chance to E-file Form 2290, Well No worries, E-File Now!

If this rings a bell in your mind, probably you missed your HVUT Form Renewal. The Deadline to E-Renew Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2017 through June 2018 was Aug 31, 2017. However, we realize that everyone can’t really afford time to spare towards E-filing Form 2290 during this time due to their busy work schedule. Hence, it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the road. You may still renew your Form 2290’s now for the Period beginning July 2017 through June 2018 right now to stay away from incurring more penalties towards late filing and late payment of HVUT taxes. Continue reading

2290 Tax e-File Countdown : Just few hours left to report it with IRS

2290 tax due date today

Less than a day to have your Form 2290 and Schedule-1 renewed with the IRS, August 31 is the due date. High time to get it  reported and renewed online in simple steps and fast process.

If you own and operate a heavy motor truck with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds and more, your are liable to report and pay 2290 truck taxes. It is simple and easy when you do it online with an IRS authorized e-file service provider.

Form 2290, the heavy highway vehicle use tax is a fee assessed annually on vehicles that operate on public highways. Form 2290 is reported and paid in full by August 31, today is the deadline to have this 2290s reported with the IRS.

Electronic filing automates your tax preparation, you just key in your vehicle details with the tax year and first used month, taxable gross weight along with your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), your tax return is ready with inputs to file it with the IRS. It is simple and easy as 1-2-3..!

Electronic filing is the fastest way of filing your 2290 tax returns with the IRS, once you complete your tax return it is consolidated and sent to the IRS for processing. IRS verify the data and approves your Schedule-1 with an e-file watermark (stamp) which very well used as a proof for payment of taxes.

Delaying further would end up IRS audits, late fee and paying extra on top of your tax due. E-File is 100% accurate, fast, simple and secured. All the tax math happens automatically, 100% fast, IRS would process your 2290s immediately, and pushed to your email in-box once it is accepted.

E-file HVUT Form 2290

Correcting VIN will never cost you anything here!


As per the great saying of Confucius, “If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.” So there is no point in wasting time when you have an option to correct your mistake.

Though we stay very cautious while Filing our Heavy Highway vehicle Used taxes, we ought to commit few human errors at times. The worst of all would be committing mistakes over the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which could bring in someone else truck into the picture, or a vehicle that has never existed; during your vehicle registration. You better wish you have a chance to prove your innocence & inadvertence; But the State DMV needs the correct vehicle information to issue your tags, licenses & etc. Continue reading

Wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving-


Can you believe it’s just a couple of days away? Yeah it’s Thanksgiving, the time when families come together despite their differences eat, feel & celebrate gratitude for the good things in life. This is a day of festivity; family reunions and lavish feasts including dishes like roasted turkeys, Cranberry sauce, Corns. Potatoes and Pumpkin pie are included in the Thanksgiving meal.

Gratitude is not simply something that we externally share with others; it is an attitude that we live with every day.  A lack of gratitude is often at the root of a variety of the ills that plague relationships. For example, when a boss never thanks his employees for what they do, the employees start to resent both him and their job which would cause an avalanche of damage on performance on either ends. Continue reading