The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 for the tax year 2019 – 2020 was due on September 3rd. If you have missed it out on your heavy highway vehicle that was first used on July don’t delay further as you’re increasing your penalty and late filings charges every day. If you’re vehicle was first used in August and you’re prorating your taxes for the left out months and September 30 is the last date to report it with the IRS. You’ve taken the right decision to eFile your 2290s and you’re at the right place, Yes TruckDues helping 1000s of truckers to get it online and IRS watermarked Schedule 1 receipt in just minutes.

With 2290 eFiling you’re going to get rewarded with the economic fee, save time, convenient filing and payment options. IRS payment can either be paid from your bank account automatically or using your Credit Card or Debit Card and by using EFTPS portal or Check and Money Order.
Accuracy Guaranteed! You won’t be missing anything important to have your 2290 return processed by the IRS.
Easy Access to your 2290 Tax Return available all day (24 X 7), access it from anywhere anytime to and download any number of IRS Watermarked schedule 1 receipts.

2290 VIN Correction is FREE, correct typos and misplaced VIN# instantly for free. eFile 2290 Amendments and upgrade on your taxable gross weight and mileage use limit is made easy.
Easy Claims, owe your refund on a traded or sold vehicles electronically, or adjust the claim against tax bill while report 2290 on a newly added vehicle.
Highly Safe, our website is 100% secured with SSL and Hacker proof premium software’s licenses.
No need for a drive, no more blocking appointments at IRS office or driving to get it filed, the service is at your door step.
High time to choose eFile, let this year 2018 be the year to choose eFile. Say no to paper return.
Smart eFile, 2290 eFile is the SMART option as 1000s of truckers already choosing eFile as their preferred choice when it comes to 2290 reporting.
We’ve a dedicated Phone Support lines to help you through your filing process, talk to us at 347 – 515 – 2290. You can also connect with us on a LIVE Chat from the website. Post your questions to