Dear truckers! The last date to report Form 2290 HVUT returns for your March bought or used trucks is April 30, 2024. As it arrives in a few days, you must take the necessary actions to report and pay your 2290 truck tax returns. Only then, you will get the valid IRS stamped Schedule 1 receipt within the deadline which is highly essential to operate your heavy highway vehicle on public highways without any problems. Also, you will need the Schedule 1 receipt to renew your license, registration, insurance purposes and more. On the other hand, the IRS is very strict about tax filing and deadlines. As a trucker, staying compliant with your tax obligations and paying your taxes on time are primary responsibilities to run your trucking operations smoothly. If you have a recently purchased or first used vehicle in March, don’t waste any more time. Report your pro-rated tax returns on or before April 30, 2024. It would be best to E-file pro-rated Form 2290 HVUT returns in to stay ahead of the deadline and avoid any hassles in your tax filing process.
Tag Archives: e-file-Form-2290
2290 Truck Taxes for the vehicles first used on April 2022 is due on May 31, 2022.
Hello, truckers! This is a gentle reminder to inform you that the pro-rated form 2290 tax for the heavy vehicles first used on April 2022 is due on May 31, 2022. So, all truckers and truck taxpayers with the trucks first used in April should file their form 2290 HVUT to the IRS and get the official schedule 1 copy within the last date. Or else, the IRS will charge penalties or late fees based on the tax amount, and it will become impossible to operate your heavy vehicle on the public highways without a valid schedule 1 copy.
Safe filing is E-filing!

Dear HVUT filers, As we have learned to live along with the pandemic Virus on the loose we also have good news around different parts of the world regarding a vaccine for a cure. Hope it brings a breakthrough and saves lives. Till then be safe and sanitized. As you know the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a for the vehicles bought or used since December 2020 Period beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, thousands of truckers have e-filed their HVUT Form 2290 for the current period already and what about you ?
Continue readingFinally, the IRS is up and running!

Hey there truckers! Hope you’re all covered up with your taxes and had a stress free new year. There’s always a deadline coming up every month and as you know it’s time to report your vehicles bought in the month of December 2020 before January 31, 2021. Though most of you prefer to file your tax returns electronically we do get contacted for the manual filing process. Due to the pandemic, the IRS offices are closed and the only option would be is to file your taxes electronically. E-filing make your filing experience easier and faster when compared to manual filing.
Continue readingFinal pro-rated Form 2290 for Tax Year 2019-2020 is Due Today! Learn how to file your Tax return.

Hello there dear truckers! Hope you’re all safe and with sound health. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks due to Form 2290 renewals amidst the chaotic COVID – 19 outbreak. Today being the deadline to file Pro-rated Form 2290 for the tax year 2019 on vehicles that were first put into service in the month of June 2019, we have been receiving more and more returns to process, Most of them being regular 2290 filers and some new owner-operators. We receive a lot of calls on queries on how to file a 2290 form and what would happen next? Most of them being common questions it’s our duty to clarify them and today we shall address some common questionnaire.
Now the following questions were discussed on a recent webinar conducted by the IRS and this should help you out in clarifying certain doubts:
Registrations of Tags:
Continue readingThings to remember while filing your Form 2290 Renewal for Tax Year 2020-2021

Hello there dear truckers! hope you’re safe and so is your family, first half of the year is about to be completed and yet the pandemic prevails, god help us to get through with this. As we step into the second half of the year its time to renew your form 2290 taxes, yes as you know the form 2290 is due by July 1 2020 and payable until August 31, 2020. It’s the hectic time of the year as we tend to miss out on small details that may lead to a larger issue. Today we are going to prepare a checklist for you so that you may brace yourself for the upcoming tax year.
Things that you need to file your form 2290”
- Name of the business
- Exact address for the business
- VIN number of the truck
- Total gross weight of the truck
We stand pride in call you our HEROES!

Every Pit stops that you make to deliver runs the nation. It’s a worldwide crisis that’s happening and yet you do not fail to come in aid. Expecting nothing and risking everything you meet our needs in the best possible way. Thank you, dear truckers, for all your efforts amidst this pandemic. It’s not that a hero with unearthly powers shall come to aid but, in reality, is a common man who stands heroic amongst all and that’s you dear truckers. We all stand in pride calling you our heroes.
The whole nation has been in a standstill for months and affecting daily life to a near-impossible circumstance but still, you were there to supply our needs, you’re the blood that flows through the veins of the nation and carries our lifeline across. Stay safe as the nation needs you more at this point. As the current situation has brought the selflessness of truckers to the limelight, we do see people helping out truckers on the move and urge everyone to do so. Never expecting any praise you’ve rushed for our needs. Thank you for everything so far and the days to come, we’re all with you and we remember you in our prayers.
Continue readingIt’s a Pandemic, Be Safe and Work Smart!

Lockdown around the world, businesses shut down and people are isolated inside their homes. It’s a major setback to the world economy, stock markets plunging as never seen before in decades. Corona has brought the world to almost a standstill situation now. Governments locking down their borders and working day and night to stop this pandemic. Its time for us to be responsible and stay cautious.
As per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report the total number of cases reported to date is 213,144 and increasing. Out of which 4,513 deaths have declared. Our president in his recent press meet has confirmed that a greater number of people will get affected and the death tolls might increase drastically. If you are at your home please stay indoors and avoid contacting people as much as you can as they might be passive carriers of the disease.
We’re not trying to market our product but its better to do stay indoors and file your Form 2290s as this will stop you from going outdoors and risking yourself. Go digital and try to make the most of the online services to get all your works done. By e-filing your Form 2290’s you save Time, money and probably even your health. As online services are a healthy alternative at this moment. If you’re not familiar with how to file your taxes online, we are here to assist you. We are open for work through remote access for your e-filing need through calls, chats, and email.
E-filing just takes around 5 minutes of your time to prepare your tax return and within minutes you would receive the schedule-1 copy in your email. The taxes can also be paid by opting for an automatic debit from your checking or savings account so that you may not necessarily go out to mail a check. Also, we’re economical when it comes to pricing as we charge only $7.99 per vehicle filing. We are at your disposal, Kindly call us at 347-151-2290 or just drop us an email to
Stay safe and work safe!
End each day with a thankful heart!

Hello there dear truckers! With a grateful heart we write this to you, Thanks for all your support in supporting us for the past five years. We as a team feel grateful to all our loyal customers who file with us, as we commit towards best in offering services to you. wouldn’t have become the most preferred service provider for economic filers if it wasn’t for you. Trust in us for we do the same, Words would never explain our gratitude toward the success that you have brought to us as a company.
We have been providing Form 2290 tax services starting at $7.99, which is the best pricing for a bundle of service you get. Though there are many competitors who provide services lesser than this, the support you get for the fee that you pay is limited when you compare to What makes us stand apart from others then? In terms of support we offer assistance over the phone, chat and email as well which is not offered by any other service provider in the industry with best standards. Also when if you are not able to reach us do not worry, just leave us a voice mail you would receive an immediate response call within 5 minutes (in business hours) from our tax experts to address your form 2290 concerns. So what about after hours, not to worry you can leave us a voice mail or we have an option for offline chats where our representatives will reach you first thing as soon as we step in the next day.
Continue readingYou’ve still got time until May 31st!

Bought a heavy vehicle for yourself? Wondering whether to pay the taxes for the whole year? Well that’s what the prorated taxes are about. As per the IRS “All heavy vehicles operated on the high way with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above and with a mileage of 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicle) is taxable”. So have you got a vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above and if you have plans of operation it on the highway over 5,000 miles the dead line for paying the taxes is just a couple of days away.
Well first things first so what about the tax calculation? The Prorated taxes are calculated based on the month of first use and the vehicle should have crossed 5,000 miles. That being said the payment date would be your next question. Well, as per the IRS the “Prorated taxes are to be paid by the last date of the month following the month in which it was first used”. So the taxes for the vehicles bought by April is due and the deadline is on 31st May, 2019.
What will you incur if you don’t pay the taxes? Well that’s simple the IRS will charge a fee for failure to file and failure to pay at a rate of 4.5% and a penalty of 0.5% of the taxable amount. So why to incur these charges when it’s still not late to file your return. But the time is on the horizon and its just a couple of days more to file your prorated taxes.
What if you have paid for an old vehicle which you have sold to buy a new one? But paid the taxes in full? There’s no need to worry about it. The taxes can be transferred to the old vehicle to the new once as credits. Just by filing a Form 2290 for the new vehicle and old vehicle by listing it under sold category. Here at this process is made simple and the calculations are done automatically such that the website itself will do the math and notify you the difference. This will help you assess whether if there is anything to be paid out of pocket or if the available credits would cover up the taxes for the new vehicle.
So what are you waiting for, rush now just log into and enter the new vehicle details, let our website do the math for you. Just with a click you will be able to transmit the return to the IRS and receive a water mark copy of Form 2290 schedule-1 to your registered personal email.