Tag Archives: Form 2290 Claims

Advantages of E-Filing your HVUT Form 2290!

Hello there truckers, most of you all have already started e-filing the annual HVUT Form 2290 but did you know what are the basic advantages of e-filing your Form 2290? You’d certainly be able to skip few inconveniences like scheduling an appointment at the Local IRS facility which is really hard to be done amidst of receiving your confirmation slot amongst just 20 reservations done per day despite of thousands of HVUT filers who wanted to e-file the same day.

You’d also get a chance to file your HVUT Form 2290 all you’re yourself than relying on a Tax preparer agency and sparing extra dollars towards their convenience fees. By using www.truckdues to E-file your HVUT Form 2290, you just need to answer few basic questions and the application would automatically calculate the tax due amount and it would fill the details over the PDF.

The HVUT Form 2290 is an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue service on vehicles that possess a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is been used over the public highways for its desired purpose of use namely, Commercial, Agricultural & logging.  

Despite of the work nature of your truck if you would operate over 5000 miles, you need to make the tax payment full in advance where instead if the truck is been used under 5000 miles then the truck is declared to be exempt thus No tax dues needs to be paid to the IRS.

One of the most significant advantages of e-filing is its turnaround time. It only takes few minutes before the IRS could process your tax return and send you the IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 back in your e-mail within minutes after you e-file.

Also, in order for us to serve high demand queries, our tax experts are available even during weekends until 08/31/2019 to address your queries. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 6 P.M, Central Standard Time]

E-mail: support@truckdues.com

Live chat with our tax representatives. God Bless America! God bless our Truckers!

The IRS has cased Shutdown. Renew your HVUT Form 2290 for 2019-20 Now!

Hello there truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is already due for renewal since July 2019 and now its August, literally we got time until the end of August before you can File & pay your HVUT Form 2290 for the Period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020.  

The Federal law states that any vehicle that possess a combined gross weight of 55000 lbs must be reported on a Form 2290 and the tax due amount is paid Full in Advance for the respective tax period for which the subjected vehicle is been used over the public highway for its desired purpose.

The HVUT Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. So that means you need to renew your Form before the deadline 08/31/2019 to avoid an incurrence of penalties or interests for failure to pay the taxes levied by the Internal Revenue Service.

Although the subjected vehicles are declared to be primarily exempt when its usage on the road are lesser to the mileage limits drafted by the law. For commercial based units its 5000 miles or less and for Agricultural based units its 7500 miles or less to claim exemption from paying taxes to the IRS.

E-File your tax returns via www.truckdues.com and receive an instant confirmation back from the Internal Revenue Service in your registered e-mail address. Also, in order for us to serve high demand queries, our tax experts are available even during weekends until 08/31/2019 to address your queries. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 6 P.M, Central Standard Time]

E-mail: support@truckdues.com

Live chat with our tax representatives.Have a Good one! See you over the next article.

Few Days Left to Renew your HVUT Form 2290 before it’s too late!

Hello there Truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. It has been at least a couple of months since the IRS has started accepting HVUT Form 2290 for the Period July 2019-2020. However, it got delayed meanwhile due to the recent IRS temporary downtime which occurred as a result of up gradation purposes.

The IRS systems goes offline every year during the month of December due to Christmas holidays and they would recommence full operations by the 2nd week after the New Year. But this will be a scheduled downtime which happens every year in order for the IRS to be able to stabilize their systems to accept the HVUT Form 2290 for the upcoming tax year.

Every year, the HVUT Form 2290 is due by June and its payable until the end of August. But we advise the HVUT payers, not to wait until the last moment to e-file the HVUT Form 2290 and would recommend them to e-file their HVUT before July 31st, 2019 to avoid a last moment rush and to join the procrastinator club to enable a further delay on receiving the IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 in your e-mail.

The Heavy Highway vehicle used tax return is basically an Annual Tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is been used over the public highways for commercial, Agricultural & Logging purposes. Tax dues are always paid upfront full in advance to the Internal Revenue Service.

Last Few Days Left behind to Renew your Form 2290 before July 2019!

Truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 annual tax form is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020 before August 31st, 2019. The race to renew the annual tax form has begun long since June 2019 and thousands of early birds have filed & renewed their HVUT Form 2290 already on time.

Now it’s your opportunity to act fast & renew your HVUT Form 2290 as soon as you can to join the E-filer club and to receive the stamped confirmation back in your e-mail ASAP. This renewal copy would get your vehicle registrations taken care up until June 2019.

Generally this Form is due by June and its payable until the end of August. Having said that, this Form is also due pro-rated for newly purchased vehicles. For a newly acquired vehicle, the Form 2290 is due by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

The HVUT tax due is basically a Federal tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 55000lbs or more and if the same is been used over the public highways for commercial, Agricultural & Logging purposes and the desired mileage limit for exemption is set to be 5000 miles or more for Commercial & Logging based units & 7500 miles for Agricultural based units.

If the vehicle is said to go over the desired mileage limit for exemption, then the taxes needs to be paid full in advance. On the other hand, if the vehicle is said to go less than then the desired mileage use of exemption, then the vehicles are classified to be Suspended/Exempt from paying taxes to the IRS.  We recommend you to contact our tax expert helpdesk @ (347) 515-2290 for any help regarding your HVUT Form 2290 filings.

With a motive of helping the ever hardworking truckers with their HVUT Form 2290 our tax experts are available even during weekends until August 31st, 2019 to address the overwhelming requests from our beloved trucking community.

What is a Suspended/Exempt Vehicle on a Form 2290?

Hello there Truckers, the Annual HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. But, almost on a daily basis we receive calls from our users asking how or where to report their vehicles exactly on the Form 2290, but in reality the Form 2290 is way simpler to understand.

As per the IRS guidelines, the vehicles which are reported on the Form 2290 are classified into 3 types as follows:

  1. Taxable Vehicles:
  2. Suspended/Exempt Vehicles
  3. Logging vehicles:

Taxable vehicles:

These are vehicles, perhaps called active units which are used over 5000 miles on the road for a respective 2290 tax period. For instance, considering the current period July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020 if your truck will be used over 5000 miles, you must report this vehicle under Taxable vehicles and pay the tax due to the IRS full in advance to the IRS.

Suspended/Exempt vehicles:

These are vehicles which are tend to be used under the desired mileage limit for exemption, (5000 miles for Commercial based units) and (7500 miles for Agricultural based units) which makes the vehicles exempt from paying taxes to the IRS. However, the Form 2290 must be filed on these vehicles though to claim the exemption. Generally the Suspended/Exempt vehicles are represented by the category “W”

Logging Vehicles:

These are vehicles that are primarily been used to haul wood and its derivatives from the Forest to the City using the public highway. These vehicles are not exempt from paying taxes although there is a concession/reduction of tax due amount versus a Commercial taxable vehicles.

Hence, next time be sure of knowing under which category your truck must be reported while e-filing the HVUT Form 2290. Reach our tax experts @ (347) 515-2290 for your Form 2290 filing needs.

The IRS e-file servers are now back up Online. Renew your Form 2290 Now!

Hello there HVUT Form 2290 e-filers! As you all know that the IRS e-file servers were offline from July 18, 2019 through July 22, 2019. But as per our recent update from the IRS, their e-file systems have turned online and indeed have started accepting tax returns since this early morning. Hence, you may start filing your HVUT Form 2290’s now and receive the IRS digital watermarked confirmation back in your e-mail within a couple of hours.

This recent shutdown was commenced by the IRS on a temporary note in order for them to upgrade their services just like an update that arrives in your smartphone, to improve performances and bug fixes if there was any reported earlier. This downtime must ensure a stability of their systems to accept the overwhelming response of tax returns been filed during this high time.

There is always no priority given to any tax returns e-filed, unlike your filings done at the local IRS facilities, where you are required to set an appointment right before you step in which guarantees a specific slot for you to be able to get the services rendered, in contrast the IRS e-file systems are loaded up with computers executing sequential commands which only entertains/processes tax returns First come; First Served basis. Hence, the sooner you E-File the sooner you’ll receive the stamped confirmation back in your e-mail.

The HVUT Form 2290 is an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles which comprises a minimum taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same truck is been used over the public highways for commercial, Agricultural & logging purposes. The Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. Hence, sooner e-renew your HVUT Form 22910 and receive the stamped confirmations back in your e-mail instantly for your vehicle registration purposes.  Reach our tax experts 24×7 at (347) 515-2290 for your HVUT Form 2290 filing needs.

Did you E-File your HVUT Form 2290 during the recent IRS downtime?

Hello there truckers, as you all know that the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Now thousands of truckers have already e-filed their HVUT Form 2290 by far and they have joined the early filer club. Now you got an opportunity to join the club as well by e-renewing your HVUT Form 2290 as soon as you can to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 at the earliest.

Having said that, we would like to bring to your notice that the IRS e-file systems are currently shutdown since July 18th, 2019 through June 22nd, 2019 due to system upgrade purposes. During this downtime, the IRS e-file systems will not be able to accept any e-filed tax return in turn to provide you with the digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in your e-mail.

The Annual IRS Form 2290 is basically due by June and its payable until the end of August. However, the Form 2290 is also pro-rated for newly purchased vehicles amidst of a respective 2290 tax period, the pro-rated Form 2290 deadline happens to be the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

We realize that it’s hard for you to spare some time towards e-filing the HVUT Form 2290 amidst of your busy on road schedule. Hence, once you use www.truckdues.com to E-File your HVUT Form 2290, we’d be sending you timely reminders about deadline. Economic E-Filing begins here as low as $7.99. E-File your HVUT Form 2290 now and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly in your e-mail address. Reach us back @ (347) 515-2290 for any further information.

The IRS e-file Servers would go offline from July 18-22. Renew Form 2290 before the Downtime!

Attention HVUT Form 2290 payers, this article is to bring to your notice that the IRS e-file servers will be temporarily unavailable for the period beginning July 18th, 12: 01 AM (EST) though July 22nd, 12: 00 PM (EST) due to system upgrade. Hence, during this time electronic submissions will not be allowed by the Internal Revenue Service from any e-file service provider website.

So, we recommend you to renew your HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 before the downtime to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly. Generally the IRS goes offline due to maintenance every year in order for them to be able to upgrade their servers and to increase the stability of the e-file acceptance process.

However, this time around, the IRS had scheduled to go offline on a shorter note for an internal upgradation process. However, you may certainly e-file tour Form 2290 during this period and wait until the downtime is ceased before receiving the IRS proof of acknowledgement back from the Internal Revenue Service.

Truckdues.com has rated to be one of the most reliable websites who offers 2290 e-file services to our ever hardworking trucking community at a much affordable cost, Yes you can e-file your HVUT Form 2290’s here as low as $7.99 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your e-mail.

It’s just a Fortnight left to Join the Renewed Club. E-File your Form 2290 now!

Dear HVUT filers, the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Thousands of truckers have e-renewed their HVUT Form 2290 for the current period already. So act before it’s too late to join the e-filer club and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 as soon as possible.

The HVUT Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. The Form 2290 is basically paid on heavy vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs and the same is been used on the public highways for commercial, Agricultural & logging purposes. The taxes are determined by the taxable gross weight of the vehicle as it begins with 55000 lbs represented by Category A and it goes until over 75000 lbs represented by category V.

As per the IRS guidelines, the tax rate begins at $100 and there will be an increase of $22 for every increase of 1000 lbs. For logging vehicles, there is a slight concession on the tax due for logging based units as the tax due rate begins from $17, hence the annual tax due amount paid for a commercial based unit is $550 whereas the maximum tax due amount paid for logging vehicles is $412.50

Every year, the tax due amount is paid full in advance to the Internal Revenue Service based on the fact if the vehicle is going to be used over 5000 miles for commercial & 7500 miles for Agricultural based units. Having said that, the Form 2290 is pro-rated as the tax deadline for the new vehicles happens to be the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

So, Saddle up your bags & renew your HVUT Form 2290 for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in your e-mail Reach us back @ (347) 515-2290 for any further assistance.

The High Time is On! E-File your HVUT Form 2290 now for 2019-2020!

Truckers, post the pre-filing month is over, it’s now time to renew your Form 2290 for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Although the Form 2290 is actually payable until Aug 31, 2019 but you are required to stay updated and current on your Form 2290 filings during your vehicle registration. Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August.  However you are required to possess the current years filed Form 2290 during any road side inspections to avoid a ticket.

You might now think why do I have to file it right away when I got time until August?                           Well, Every year, millions of tax returns are ought to be e-filed with the Internal Revenue Service hence it is always advisable to E-file your Form 2290 before the deadline as to avoid a last moment rush near the deadline to avoid human errors on your tax filing which could cost your vehicle registration and your possibility to earn money.

The Form 2290 is an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service. This form is generally paid on vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is been used over the public highway for commercial, farming or logging purposes and if the same vehicle goes over 5000 miles (For commercial) and 7500 miles (For Agricultural based units) hence the taxes needs to be paid upfront for the entire year.

E-File your HVUT Form 2290 via www.truckdues.com and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly in your e-mail address. Reach us back @ (347) 515-2290 for any further assistance.