Hey there truckers! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and awaiting a prosperous New Year! Yes we know it’s the holiday season and you would wonder why we still keep posting about your form 2290’s well we do need to update you so that you can have a stress free holiday weekend, don’t we all want the same? And yes this is a post regarding your 2290’s but it’s to inform you about the IRS servers shutdown
Well the IRS usually shuts down their e-filing servers for a year end maintenance this starts by December the 26th post noon and commence services post New Year, any e-filings done during this time frame would be processed only post New Year. But you can still e-file your returns through us, your filings will be saved in our secure data base and will be sent for processing as soon as the IRS commences their services. Though the IRS haven’t confirmed the commencing day we expect it to be by January 2nd post noon.
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