Tag Archives: irs e file 2290

Truckdues.com wishes all Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

“A light of hope, a gesture of belief

To spread the joy, the savior is to greet

Into this world as a miracle and belief

Let us sing with our hearts, it’s time to bring

The message of birth of the lord within…”

To be born was his will and to be reborn is what we will, it’s time to put the past apart and welcome a fresh year to move along. It’s time to celebrate with all our heart with the families and friends who were apart.

Though it’s an end but it’s always a start, Christmas brings gifts to move along. With memories and hopes and missing ourselves it’s time to reunite as per our will. It’s time to break the chills and bring the warmth with families seemed to be apart, let this Christmas bring wonders to the future and beyond. We wish you all merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Attention Form 2290 Tax payers! The IRS e-file servers will be shut down due to the Annual Scheduled year end maintenance for system upgrade purposes at 11: 59 AM (EST) from December 26, 2019 and to commence operations only post New Year.

During this downtime time electronic return submissions will not be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service hence Stamped schedule 1 copies will not be issued until the IRS recommences operations officially.  Meanwhile your tax returns will be placed held in our secured servers and will be submitted to the IRS only when their systems are back up online.

So, we recommend you to e-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning November 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 before the downtime to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly.

Truckdues.com has rated to be one of the most reliable websites who offers 2290 e-file services to our ever hardworking trucking community at a much affordable cost, Yes you can e-file your HVUT Form 2290’s here as low as $7.99 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your registered e-mail.

E-file your Pro-rated Form 2290 before the IRS downtime!

Hello there truckers! Yet another year has passed and hopefully it was a good one. Christmas is around the block and not to mention a fresh year ahead. Hope this year was a fruitful one as you pack gifts to all your loved ones from your hard earnings, Christmas would be possible without you truckers delivering our needs on time. We thank you all for all the hard work and pain to deliver our goods on time. This year wouldn’t have been easy without you

Before the winter brings down the chills on you we are bound to inform you and keep you updated about your Form 2290 filings. It’s not only us who are looking for a peaceful vacation, so does the IRS LOL!

The IRS would be under maintenance starting from December the 26th, 2019 and will resume services post new year. Any filings done within this time period will be on hold until New Year. So plan your taxes accordingly and file on or before December the 24th, 2019 so that you can get a timely response and enjoy your stay at home stress free.

After all it’s the time of celebration and you deserve some time away from work, so plan you work accordingly and may this Christmas chimes bring you happiness and joy, Also a prosperous New Year ahead. Truck dues wishes you all merry Christmas and a happy new year  Hence, do not take any chances until the very last moment as it might incur your hard earned dollars towards penalties & interests for not being able to E-File your 2290’s before the actual due date. Your e-filing process is just a phone call away, speak to our tax expert right away @ (347) 515-2290.

Paper Filing Form 2290 Expectations vs Reality!

Truckers, we know that many of you all still wanted to paper file your HVUT Form 2290 cause you expect that’s way easier & reliable than e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 online. But did you know in reality what jargon you could possibly face before you choose to paper mail/ filing it at the IRS office in person?

  • Turnaround Time for a response could be as extended as few weeks

Did you think paper mailing your documents might get you an immediate response back from the Federal Government, we wish that’s a fast service as well, but in reality it takes about few weeks before you could have your tax return accepted & received in your mailing address.

  • Prior Scheduling an appointment is required before you’re at the Local IRS facility.

Majority of Truckers think if paper mailing documents might consume a lot time why don’t I step into a nearby IRS facility to have my taxes filed & paid immediately? But, in reality most IRS offices restricts daily appointments to 20. Hence, your chances of scheduling an appointment despite the competition from other tax payers is mere.

  • Human Errors/ Corrections requires a Re-visit!

Guess what, you need to follow the same foot prints to visit the local IRS facility all over again to have any changes/corrections reported on your Form 2290. Response time is un-predictable.

Now In order to bypass all these difficulties, you may simply opt in for the easiest way of all. E-Filing your HVUT Form 2290! E-Filing your HVUT ensures a safer acceptance and faster processing of your tax return and be able to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly in your registered email address.

Out tax experts strive to assist you better with your HVUT Form 2290 needs! Professional help is just a phone call away! Reach us @ (347) 515-2290 for further assistance with your HVUT Form 2290 process.

Truckers, than relying on time consuming paper filing choose e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 within minutes in your email. Reach us @ (347) 515-2290 for further assistance.

For what do we go for an Amendment?

Hey truckers it’s once again time for a few pointers and transfer of knowledge about your HVUT Form 2290 filings. The filing season was a hectic one wasn’t it? Since you are done with filing the returns hope you checked your schedule-1 copies for any mistakes. Any mismatch in the information would end up as a void filing. The recent questions which we faced was about “2290 AMENDMENTS”. In this blog we are going to see when to file an amendment and how to and when not to.

An Amendment is bringing about a change or correction to an existing return. People often confuse between VIN correction and an amendment. The VIN correction needs to be done on a separate filing and this doesn’t relate to anything with the Amendments.

Amendments are basically for reporting two things

  1. When there is an Increase in gross weight (truck, trailer and max load capacity)
  2. When the suspended vehicle exceeds mileage limit (over 5000 miles)

Increase in gross weight: Normally for a vehicle to qualify and to be reported under taxable vehicle criteria the total gross weight of your vehicle should be more than 55,000 lbs. The gross weight includes the weight of the truck, trailer and the maximum load it can haul. Let’s assume If you would have reported the vehicle originally under 55,000 lbs but the vehicle gross weight is actually over 75,000 lbs or if you plan on increasing your vehicles hauling capacity that’s when you do an amendment for the increase in taxable gross weight.

Suspended vehicle exceeds mileage limit: any vehicle which is operated less than 5000 miles (7500 for agricultural) the vehicle would be reported under suspended or exempt from tax category. If you would have filed the returns as a Suspended vehicle and if the miles put on the truck is exceeding 5000 miles that’s when you do an exceed in mileage amendment.

How to file an amendment?

Just start a new return, on the first page you have to select your business name, then select “2290 Amendments” followed by the tax year and first used month

Over the next page you would have two options “Increase in taxable gross weight” and “Suspended vehicle exceeds mileage limit”. Select the appropriate section and select the month to amend.

Over the next page select “create a new amendment” if the original filing was done through a different provider or select “Amend previously filed return” if the original filing was dine through Truckdues.

Over the next page select “Add vehicle “to enter the VIN number, previously reported data and new info into it and proceed further to pay the service fee and submit the form for amendment.

Trick or Treat! It’s time for Halloween.

Hallows Eve is right around the corner, it’s time to scare your close ones and remember the martyred and pay respect in their memory. A day to pull out the best pranks on your friends and family to be at peace and enjoy the company.

This is the day where we adults can be excused for our sweet tooth carving, so sit back and enjoy the treats and let your dental plan cover your smile. It’s time to become kids again and spooke the life out of everyone around.

It’s about time to haunt those lovely yet annoying neighbors with the best tricks up the sleeve. Not to mention the Decorations that we get to do and deploy the ghost in us and turn the yard into a horror land. Let the chills run down them spines as you scare your way into the dark as creepy hours goes up until dawn the fun never ends when you got it all.

Let this Halloween not haunt you with Bills and taxes, we are here to cover it up for you. Haven’t renewed you Form 2290 tax for the Period beginning July 2019 through June 2020 or do you have a new truck by September 2019 which needs to be reported on a Form 2290? Well we can do that for you, treat yourself with the fastest e-filing providers at your service at just $7.99!

Renew you HVUT Form 2290 taxes now and receive the schedule-1 copy in your registered e-mail           within minutes. Why waste time waiting for your conformations while you can run about scaring people and get your taxes done meanwhile?

Our Tax Experts are striving to serve the ever hard working trucking community with their HVUT Form 2290 filing needs. Reach us back @ (347) 515-2290 for further inquiries.  We wish everyone a Spooktacular Halloween! God Bless America! God Bless Truckers!

Last week left before e-filing your Pro-rated Form 2290 on Time!

Hello there truckers, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is now due by Oct 31, 2019 for vehicles first used since September 2019. This Pro-rated deadline is drafted based on the Federal law that indicates Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

If you had purchase/re-purchase any new trucks during September 2019, then you got 60 days before you could file this Form 2290, you generally file this tax Form to get your vehicle plates, tags, licenses renewed.

The HVUT Form 2290 is basically an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service which is paid on Heavy trucks which comprises a taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs to the minimum until 80000 lbs & above and if the said truck is used on the public highways for commercial, agricultural & logging purposes.

However, the vehicle is determined to be a Taxable vehicle (Where the tax payment needs to be made full in advance to the IRS) or Suspended/Exempt vehicle (Where no tax payment needs to be made to the IRS) based on the desired mileage limit for exemption drafted by the Internal Revenue Service by virtue of the nature of job the utility vehicle performs.

Hence, if the subjected vehicle is expected not to go over the desired mileage use of exemption, it remains to be exempt from Form 2290 tax payment, however a tax return needs to be filed for this vehicle to legally claim and exemption.  

Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]

E-mail: support@truckdues.com

Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.