wishes all Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

“A light of hope, a gesture of belief

To spread the joy, the savior is to greet

Into this world as a miracle and belief

Let us sing with our hearts, it’s time to bring

The message of birth of the lord within…”

To be born was his will and to be reborn is what we will, it’s time to put the past apart and welcome a fresh year to move along. It’s time to celebrate with all our heart with the families and friends who were apart.

Though it’s an end but it’s always a start, Christmas brings gifts to move along. With memories and hopes and missing ourselves it’s time to reunite as per our will. It’s time to break the chills and bring the warmth with families seemed to be apart, let this Christmas bring wonders to the future and beyond. We wish you all merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Attention Form 2290 Tax payers! The IRS e-file servers will be shut down due to the Annual Scheduled year end maintenance for system upgrade purposes at 11: 59 AM (EST) from December 26, 2019 and to commence operations only post New Year.

During this downtime time electronic return submissions will not be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service hence Stamped schedule 1 copies will not be issued until the IRS recommences operations officially.  Meanwhile your tax returns will be placed held in our secured servers and will be submitted to the IRS only when their systems are back up online.

So, we recommend you to e-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning November 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 before the downtime to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly. has rated to be one of the most reliable websites who offers 2290 e-file services to our ever hardworking trucking community at a much affordable cost, Yes you can e-file your HVUT Form 2290’s here as low as $7.99 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your registered e-mail.

It’s just a couple of weeks before your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 expires!

Hello there truckers, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is now due by 12/31/2019 for vehicles first used since November 2019. This deadline is been drafted by the IRS federal law that indicates that Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

You may even think if this deadline has anything to do about the regular Annual renewals which are basically due by June & payable until August. But, it does not. This deadline is only concerned about vehicles that are into service since November 2019.

The Heavy highway vehicle is basically paid on trucks with a minimum taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs and it’s paid for vehicles that are used over the public highways for commercial, agricultural & logging purposes. The desired mileage limit for exemption is drafted upon these vehicles based on the nature of its use.

For commercial based units & logging vehicles the desired mileage limit of exemption is said to be 5000 miles each and for Agricultural based vehicles, it is said to be 7500 miles. Only when to seem to exceed the respective mileage based on your vehicle’s desired purpose of use you need to make the tax payment to the IRS full in advance for the period it needs to be reported.

Failure to pay the tax dues on time results in incurrence of penalties & interests on top of the requisite tax due owed anywhere ranging from 2.5% to 4.5% of the total tax due amount to be paid granting no further extensions whatsoever. E-filing 2290 has been made easy with where quality service is been offered at a much affordable price as e-filing begins here as low as $7.99 our help-desk is just at a phone call away.

E-file your Pro-rated Form 2290 before the IRS downtime!

Hello there truckers! Yet another year has passed and hopefully it was a good one. Christmas is around the block and not to mention a fresh year ahead. Hope this year was a fruitful one as you pack gifts to all your loved ones from your hard earnings, Christmas would be possible without you truckers delivering our needs on time. We thank you all for all the hard work and pain to deliver our goods on time. This year wouldn’t have been easy without you

Before the winter brings down the chills on you we are bound to inform you and keep you updated about your Form 2290 filings. It’s not only us who are looking for a peaceful vacation, so does the IRS LOL!

The IRS would be under maintenance starting from December the 26th, 2019 and will resume services post new year. Any filings done within this time period will be on hold until New Year. So plan your taxes accordingly and file on or before December the 24th, 2019 so that you can get a timely response and enjoy your stay at home stress free.

After all it’s the time of celebration and you deserve some time away from work, so plan you work accordingly and may this Christmas chimes bring you happiness and joy, Also a prosperous New Year ahead. Truck dues wishes you all merry Christmas and a happy new year  Hence, do not take any chances until the very last moment as it might incur your hard earned dollars towards penalties & interests for not being able to E-File your 2290’s before the actual due date. Your e-filing process is just a phone call away, speak to our tax expert right away @ (347) 515-2290.

Paper Filing Form 2290 Expectations vs Reality!

Truckers, we know that many of you all still wanted to paper file your HVUT Form 2290 cause you expect that’s way easier & reliable than e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 online. But did you know in reality what jargon you could possibly face before you choose to paper mail/ filing it at the IRS office in person?

  • Turnaround Time for a response could be as extended as few weeks

Did you think paper mailing your documents might get you an immediate response back from the Federal Government, we wish that’s a fast service as well, but in reality it takes about few weeks before you could have your tax return accepted & received in your mailing address.

  • Prior Scheduling an appointment is required before you’re at the Local IRS facility.

Majority of Truckers think if paper mailing documents might consume a lot time why don’t I step into a nearby IRS facility to have my taxes filed & paid immediately? But, in reality most IRS offices restricts daily appointments to 20. Hence, your chances of scheduling an appointment despite the competition from other tax payers is mere.

  • Human Errors/ Corrections requires a Re-visit!

Guess what, you need to follow the same foot prints to visit the local IRS facility all over again to have any changes/corrections reported on your Form 2290. Response time is un-predictable.

Now In order to bypass all these difficulties, you may simply opt in for the easiest way of all. E-Filing your HVUT Form 2290! E-Filing your HVUT ensures a safer acceptance and faster processing of your tax return and be able to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 instantly in your registered email address.

Out tax experts strive to assist you better with your HVUT Form 2290 needs! Professional help is just a phone call away! Reach us @ (347) 515-2290 for further assistance with your HVUT Form 2290 process.

Truckers, than relying on time consuming paper filing choose e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 within minutes in your email. Reach us @ (347) 515-2290 for further assistance.

How to Claim Refund on Form 2290 Tax Dues Paid Upfront!

Paid the taxes in full for the previous tax year but you vehicle ran less than 5000 miles? You will be eligible to claim a full refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year (If you plan to operate more than 5000 miles)

A claim for refund can be for the following scenarios,

  • Over paid tax due by mistake.
  • Taxable vehicle Sold/ Transferred / Destroyed or Stolen.
  • The vehicle was used within the mileage use limit (5,000 miles or less; 7,500 or less for agricultural vehicles).

In this article we will see especially about Low mileage vehicle credits refund and transfer

Vehicles used within the taxable mileage: The taxable mileage limit for a heavy vehicle is 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural). As said before the taxes are paid for the whole year and if your vehicle has run under 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) you are eligible for low mileage credits. This can be applied only when the entire tax period (July 1 – June 30) is completed. The Vehicle mileage credits is limited only to miles operated on the vehicle regardless to the number of owners.

To get a refund based on low mileage you need to start a new return and select form “8849 schedule-6”. This is a special form dedicated for refund purposes. Then over the next page you need to select Low mileage vehicle credits to declare your vehicle exempt from tax. Over the next page just select “add vehicles” to enter the VIN number, first used month and reason for refund, also you need to attach the copy of the schedule-1 copy for reference. That is all within just 3 steps you can claim a refund on the taxes paid.

To transfer the credits to the current year filing (Only if the truck is assumed to run over 5000 miles) start a new return and select “form 2290”, select the first used month and tax year and over the next page you have to select two boxes which says “taxable vehicle & Low mileage vehicle credits”. The next page is where you can see two rows , the first one would be for entering the truck details on which the taxes needs to be transferred and the second one is to declare the previous year filing under low mileage credits. Then the rest is the same just proceed further with payment. 

By following these steps you can either claim a refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year

Professional advise on Claiming your overpaid 2290 Tax Due!

Double payments we all face this issues on daily basis don’t we? This happens either because of a technical error or because of our ignorance. But we do always have an option to claim it back. Now how a double payment occurs when it comes to Form 2290 filing and the method to reclaims the excess paid taxes.

Generally when a tax return is filed electronically the tax payer is offered 4 different payment options to make the tax payment to the IRS namely:

  1. Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)
  2. Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
  3. Credit/Debit card
  4. Check or Money order.

Now let’s discuss the possible outcomes for overpayments via the above mentioned tax payment options. While using EFW the payment gets automatically cleared by the IRS from your given checking or saving account within 24-48 hours from the time your tax return got processed by the IRS. Or by reporting the same vehicle twice for the same tax period

Besides, there is no specific paperwork provided by the IRS to indicate the tax due clearance hence most people tend to make another payment to the IRS using an alternative options hence ending up paying taxes twice.

On the other hand while using a credit card, there are chances to process payment twice due to multiple clicks or responses given from the tax payer’s end over the IRS authorized payment processor’s website namely, &

Hence, if you had an over-payment in your 2290 tax due payment, do not hesitate to claim a refund by e-filing the claim Form 8849 Schedule 6 to receive the refund check in your mailing address in 21 business days.

E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 before Christmas Eve!

Truckers are you wondering whether to pay the taxes for the whole year or if that could be partial. Often assumptions lead to confusion with the tax deadlines and on the tax due amount part. The IRS Federal law indicates that “All heavy vehicles operated on the high way with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above and with a mileage of 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicle) is taxable”.  

The Prorated tax concept is basically calculated from the month of the vehicle’s first use. That being said the payment date would be your next question. Well, as per the IRS the “Prorated taxes are to be paid by the last date of the month following the month in which it was first used”. So the taxes for the vehicles bought by November is NOW due and the deadline to pay with no penalties would be 31st Dec, 2019.

What will you possibly incur if you don’t pay the 2290 tax dues on time? Well that’s simple, the IRS will charges a fee for failure to file and failure to pay at a rate of 4.5% and a penalty of 0.5% of the taxable amount. So think twice before you fall behind your HVUT Form 2290 Deadline.

 Here at this process is made simple and tax calculations are done automatically such that the website itself will do the math and notify you the computation. This will help you in saving your valuable time amidst off your busy on road schedule.

So what are you waiting for? Rush now just log into to e-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290. You are just few clicks away from being able to transmit the return to the IRS and receive the watermarked copy of Form 2290 schedule-1 to your registered email address. wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

— President John F. Kennedy

The Much awaited day probably the best week end of the year in just around the corner. It’s the time to share and care with our beloved ones and be grateful for what we have and appreciate for what life has given to us. Its thanks giving day yes it is, the celebration known and followed for centuries as a token of gratitude towards everything in life

Prayers to gifts, from hosting a humble dinner to spending time with your family it all happens on this day. A day at peace long away from hectic regular work and relaxation is all that we need and what else could we expect on this day. Freshly pluck flowers and fresh baked cookies not to mention the pumpkin pie and the specially made turkey the day is all about simplicity and a remembering a humble beginning we thank for all we have and blessed with.

A day to feast your eyes with food and soul with enlightenment, lets us all sit down at the table during this holiday and think about how god has blessed our land with all the prosperity and opportunities to live our dreams and fulfill our hopes and let’s not forget the people who has and have been sacrificing and defending the glory of our country to safe guard our life.

Being cherished off the good vibes all the day, let’s not forget to spare a moment to think off gratitude to be shown towards people who sacrifice their own time in serving the nations needs like our beloved truckers who work tirelessly over the road so we’d get access to our daily supplies with no demand. Thank a trucker over the highway if possible during this Thanksgiving. Let the love & respect be bestowed upon who deserves more.

At this joyous time of the year, leaps in a deadline to E-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 for the Period October 2019 through June 2020 which is due by November 30, 2019. This deadline is brought to you by the Internal Revenue Service based on the federal law which indicates that the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. Reach our tax experts at (347) 515-2290 for your Filing needs!

Know the Basics of 2290 Tax Deadline and Filing Methods!

New to the trucking business or are you in the process of adding a truck to your fleet? Well it’s about time you registered the vehicle and got the tags done. But before you could get your license plates you need to file a HVUT Form 2290 tax return and get the schedule-1 copy. This schedule-1 copy needs to be submitted to the DMV for registration purposes.

A common question which arises among the new truck operators is “Should I pay the taxes in full for the year?” Not necessarily you can file the taxes under Pro-rated basis. Meaning you can repot the vehicle from the first month of use.

Now what does the IRS says about the pro-rated filing and what’s the maximum time that you get to file the taxes for new trucks. Well its simple “the taxes can be paid until the last day of the following month from the first month of its use”.

For example, if you would have purchased a truck by October 1st, 2019 the due date to pay the taxes would be November 30th, 2019. So basically you get 60 days’ time to file a return and pay the taxes. The taxes paid will be valid until June 30th, 2020 and again up for renewal by the July 1st, 2020. So do you have a new truck which needs to be put on road? File your form 2290 and get the schedule-1 copy instantly and hit the roads.

So don’t be confused on comparing this pro-rated deadline versus the annual renewals which are generally due by June & payable until August of every year. Should you have more questions regarding the HVUT Form 2290, feel free to contact our customer support team @ (347) 515-2290 for any further assistance.

Types of rejections when filing HVUT Form 2290!

Are you facing form rejections while filing your HVUT Form 2290? Well there are three different factors which plays a major role in getting your form rejected. These rejections are mostly dues to small errors and can be rectified right away. Let’s see the factors in detail for a better and accurate filing of your taxes.

  1. RTN rejection (Routing Transit number entered wrong).
  2. EIN rejection
  3. Due to New EIN.
  4. Due to Mismatch in the name and address registered to the EIN
  5. VIN duplication.

RTN Rejection: This rejection occurs when you enter the Routing Transit Number wrong while declaring your account details when choosing the IRS tax payment method as EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal). The most common possibilities of mistakes are entering the Routing number wrong or by interchanging the account number in the place of routing number or vice versa

EIN rejection: The IRS rejected your form 2290 when the EIN is rather new or if the Name of your business and Address doesn’t match with the IRS records.

  • If your EIN is a new one the IRS needs 15 Business days (excluding weekends and federal holidays) to recognize a new EIN and process the filing. Any Filing done with the EIN which is less than 15 business days will end up rejected.
  • When you EIN Doesn’t match with the IRS records the form will be rejected. The address and the name of the business registered while obtaining the EIN should match with the current address and name while filing. This error occurs when a customer has a recent change of address and fails to report to IRS before filing.

This can be rectified by checking the address change box while reporting your vehicle there by informing the IRS about the change in address and if any changes to be done on the business name, you need to contact the IRS and have it changed before you can file the taxes.

VIN duplication: The IRS doesn’t normally accept double payments or double filings hence this rejection happens. Let’s assume if your vehicle was traded or bought from a dealer for which the taxes were already paid in full by the previous owner. When you report the same vehicle under the business the IRS would reject the form stating “VIN duplication”. Hence you need to contact the previous owner of the truck and with their consent you need to call the IRS to have the name and address changed on the 2290’s.

By keeping in mind of all these things you can successfully get you schedule-1 copy within minutes smoothly.