Category Archives: Truck Tax Online

The Form 2290 is now due by May 31 for vehicles first used since April 2019.

Truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is now due by May 31 for vehicles first used since April 2019. As you’re reading this, remember this pro-rated Form 2290 is now due only for vehicles that were purchased/re-purchased/into operations beginning April 2019.

The HVUT Form is basically an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles which comprises a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is used over the public highway for its desired purpose of use.

The IRS has drafted 3 different mileage limits for exemption on vehicles based on its nature of use. Please find the drafted mileage limit of exemption for vehicles as follows:

For commercial based units- 5000 miles

For Agricultural based units- 7500 miles

For Logging based units –     5000 miles.

Any said vehicle seems to exceed the above mentioned mileage limit for exemption needs to be reported as a Taxable Vehicles and the tax amount needs to be paid to the IRS upfront for the period its reported regardless it’s an annual or apportion filing. However, on the other hand if the subjected vehicle seems to be operated below the desired mileage limit for exemption, then it would remain to be exempt.

E-Filing your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 using and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 within minutes after you e-file. The same copy could be used as a proof of filing during the vehicle registration purposes. Reach us back @ (347) 515-2290 or for any further assistance. Have a Good One!

Claiming a Low Mileage Vehicle Credit- Explained how!

Hello there Truckers, over this article we are going to discuss on How to go about claiming a low mileage vehicle credit for trucks that are used quite inactively over the road. Most truckers are not really sure how to claim a refund on vehicles for which the taxes were paid full in advance during the beginning of the tax period.

The Low Mileage vehicle is basically claimed over trucks which were not used over the desired mileage for exemption during the end of the tax period. Almost on a daily basis, we receive queries from the HVUT tax payers saying that their trucks are not in service due to mechanical wear & tear, engine related issues, due to natural calamities etc.  

Now if such occurrences happen when the Tax Form 2290 was already filed for the subjected vehicle, the owner of the vehicle must refer to the odometer reading to record the number of miles the truck has covered until the period it was reported. If that seems to be exceeding the desired mileage use of Exemption (5000 miles for Commercial based Units & 7500 for Agricultural based units) No further action is required from your end.

On the Contrary, if the subjected vehicles seems not to have exceeded the desired mileage use of Exemption (5000 miles for Commercial based Units & 7500 for Agricultural based units) then you are entitled to claim a full refund on the taxes paid on this vehicle. However, you will only be able to claim this refund after the current tax period officially ceases.

You may feel free to reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

It’s just a fortnight left until your pro-rated HVUT Form 2290

Hello there Truckers, over this article we would like to discuss about the near term HVUT Form 2290 tax deadline, which is due by April 30th, 2019 for vehicles first used since March 2019. As the Federal law indicates that the Form 2290 needs to be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

Now on this basis, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is now due for vehicles that are purchased/re-purchased/began its operation since March 2019. However, this pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 has nothing to do with your regular 2290 annual renewals which is basically due by June and payable until the end of August.

E-Filing is economic & fast, besides the most significant feature of e-filing is that it ensures a secured acceptance of your tax return within minutes after you e-file. Receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your registered e-mail address, the same copy will serve you as the legal proof of filing during your vehicle registration purposes at the Department of Motor Vehicle.

We strive you serve the ever hardworking trucking community who hesitates to spare even a single minute towards his/her own needs instead ensures our nation’s needs are addressed on time with no delay.

Reach us back for your HVUT Form 2290 filing needs over the following mediums.

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Central Standard Time]

Live Chat with us

E-mail us:

Do you have a hard time figuring out what your Form 2290 tax due be?

Hello there truckers, almost on a daily basis we get calls from our HVUT filers trying to figure out what their HVUT Form 2290 tax due would be. Hence, we have come up with a solution, Yes despite we have an inbuilt tax calculator integrated in our website, besides we got a Tax Calculator widget enabled for you right on our home page.

Soon as you logon to you may enter your vehicle details to get the tax computation done within minutes. So you’d be able to figure out the exact tax calculation for the number of vehicles that you intend to report on this Form way in advance.

E-Filing your HVUT Form 2290 is way easier than you think, simply enter your information and answer few questions on our website and our website would automatically fill out your application and generates a virtual paperwork which can be submitted directly to the IRS.

Post you submit your application, it just takes few minutes before you receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in your registered e-mail address and the same can be used during your vehicle registration at the Department of Motor Vehicle.

Choose e-filing via for a hassle free tax filing process. Reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

You only have until December 16 to transition your full fleet to ELDs

While FMCSA still in Phase 2 of ELD Implementation, December 16, 2019, is a critical date as the AOBRD grandfather provision expires. This provision allows fleets that had AOBRDs installed in their trucks prior to December 18, 2017, to continue using AOBRDs for two years following the ELD Compliance Date. Beginning December 16, 2019, motor carriers and drivers subject to the ELD rule must use self-certified ELDs that are registered with FMCSA.

The ELD rule applies to motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to keep records of duty service (RODS) under the hours-of-service (HOS) regulations. Drivers who use the time card exception, and don’t keep paper RODs, will not be required to use ELDs. The following drivers may keep paper RODS:

  • Drivers who keep RODS no more than 8 days during any 30-day period.
  • Driveaway-towaway drivers (transporting a vehicle for sale, lease, or repair), provided the vehicle driven is part of the shipment or the vehicle being transported is a motor home or recreational vehicle trailer.
  • Drivers of vehicles manufactured before model year 2000.

However, a carrier can choose to use an ELD, even if it is not required.

Continue reading

It’s just a fortnight left until your pro-rated HVUT Form 2290

Yes you heard it right it’s just a couple weeks’ time left to file your taxes, But you might ask, Why now? Well, do u have a new vehicle to report which is yet to be filed? Now is the right time to do it. As per the IRS regulations it’s mandatory to file your vehicle for tax purposes, in failure to do so will attract penalty for late filing and payments of taxes.

So why waste on extra cash when you can prevent if by filing with us, for a mere $7.99 you would be able to file your taxes and also do any corrections through our website.

So when, what and how should it be done? We have the solutions for you and here are some common questions that we come across on day to day basis:

When should I pay?

 As per the IRS it’s mandatory for all new vehicles to file the vehicle by the last day of the following month of its first use.

Should I pay for the whole year?

No, the taxes are calculated based on the first month of use till June 30th, so the taxes will be calculated for the number of months used and miles to be driven (taxes are applicable for vehicles mileage over 5,000 or 7500 for agricultural vehicles)

Why us?

  • When truckers are busy providing services for all the need of our country, we are here to help our patriots to do the filings on the go.
  • is a dedicated portal for all your 2290 tax filings and corrections, with 100% accuracy in calculating your taxes and minimalizing your work is a one stop shop for all your tax filings.
  • Just upload your business details and your vehicles information on our website and sit back and let us do the work for you.
  • Made any mistakes while uploading your details?  No worries we can cover it up for you, register with us for just $7.99 for your tax filings and do the corrections for free. 
  • Why wait in a long queue when you can do the same on your mobile phone? Yes is available on all major platforms making it easier to all the truckers to do their filings on the go with minimalized error and quick response the entire process would just a few minutes of your precious time , you can hit the road without and worries since we’ve got your back

Here at we avail multiple and secure modes of payment options, authorized by the federal govt. So why to worry? E-File your 2290 tax returns in a swing of a baseball bat using to receive an instant confirmation back in your e-mail.

You may feel free to reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

Things to know while making the IRS tax payment for your Form 2290!

Hello there truckers, over this article we are going to discuss about the types of IRS tax payment options available while e-filing your HVUT Form 2290. On a daily basis we receive calls from our clients receiving a failure to pay penalty from the IRS due to the misconception occurred while selecting the right IRS payment option.

While e-filing the HVUT Form 2290, basically there 4 different payment options involved as follows:

  1. Electronic Funds withdrawal
  2. Electronic Federal tax payment System
  3. Credit/Debit Card
  4. Check/Money Order.

Now, amongst the 4 options listed above, the only option that lets the IRS to automatically process your payment from your bank account would be the Electronic Funds withdrawal commonly abbreviated to be EFW.

The other payment options such as the EFTPS/ Credit/Debit options require your action to log on to the respective website to initiate or schedule a payment to the Department of treasury.  Such as the tax payer is required to log on to upon choosing EFTPS as the payment option, whereas the tax payer needs to log on to to be able to schedule payments to the Internal Revenue Service

Most tax payers presume by mistake that all the above options such as Electronic Funds withdrawal, Electronic Federal tax payment System, Credit/Debit Card are automated process hence it results in non-tax payment of taxes and receiving notices.

Hence, in order to get a clear idea of the working terminology of the payment options, you may feel free to reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

Last Few Days to E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290

Hello there Truckers, This article is also a reminder about the Pro-Rated HVUT Form 2290 for vehicles first used since February 2019. The Federal law indicates that the Form 2290 must be e-filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. On that basis, the Form 2290 is now due for vehicles first used since February 2019.

The HVUT form 2290 is basically an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service for vehicles that are used over the public highways and if the subjected vehicle’s gross weight is at least 55000 lbs or more. This tax Form is basically due by June and its payable until the end of August. (The current tax year is for the period beginning July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019) and the due date for e-filing the Annual Form 2290 is basically August, 31st.

The Form 2290 tax due is basically determined by the gross weight of the Truck and if the truck seems to exceed the desired mileage limit for exemption. This is drafted by the internal Revenue Service to be 5000 miles (For commercial based units & 7500 miles for Agricultural based vehicles). If the subjected vehicles seems to exceed the desired mileage for exemption, the taxes always needs to be paid full in advance to the IRS for the respective period it’s been reported.

E-Filing Form 2290 has been made easy using, The IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 will be emailed to you within minutes after you e-file. Economic E-Filing begins here as low as $7.99.

Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

How to report an Increase in the Taxable Gross weight on your 2290?

Hello there truckers, over this article we are going to discuss on how to go about reporting an increase in the Gross weight of your truck. We on daily basis receive calls from our clients required to file an amended 2290 to correct the mistake occurred on their taxable gross weight of the vehicle. Now refers to this article to get a clear picture on this scenario.

Basically the Form 2290 is known to be the Heavy Highway vehicle used tax return which is filed on vehicles which possess a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same truck is been used over the public highway for commercial purposes.

Having said that 55,000 is the minimum weight required to be able to qualify for a Heavy Vehicle however it must not be assumed to the maximum weight of a truck, Heavy trucks tonnage index refers to weights over a 100,000 lbs easy. So, when there is a requirement for a change of the gross weight of the vehicle, all you need is an amended 2290 Form.

By filing an amendment you’d only make the difference in the tax due payment in accordance to the increase in the gross weight in lbs. As there is a $22 increase versus an increase of every 1000 lbs. By filing the amended Form 2290, you would receive a new copy of schedule 1 with a digital watermarked indicating e-filed with the date stamp.

E-File your HVUT Form 2290 via to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your e-mail within minutes after you e-file. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

We’re an Exhibitor at the Mid-American Truck Show 2019!

Yes, you indeed read that correct! Just Like you, we are really excited to be a part of one of our Country’s most iconic trucking shows that is been hosted every year, It’s nevertheless the Mid-American Trucking Show (MATS) 2019. Besides, what keeps us more excited is that we are honored to meet & serve our ever hard working members of the Trucking Industry as we have enrolled to be an exhibitor to explain our services and capabilities during the upcoming 2019 MATS show.

The 2019 edition of Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) will be held at Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY beginning 28th, March 2019. It’s a 3 day event to witness the entire industry’s presence to see what is currently trending in the Trucking, the Recent Technological Updates to streamline enhanced operations across the industry, & to listen to Expertise Reviews on the Trucking Business and so on., an IRS authorized electronic return originator to e-file the Federal Tax Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Used Tax Return) has been serving our nation’s largest economy contributor (Trucking) over the last 5 years, at very honest unique pricing $7.99 understanding the fact that how hard it is to be a trucker and work tirelessly to meet the nation’s demand. They almost leave their loved ones behind to serve our nations demand on-time. 

We have gained our overwhelming trust among a major share of Independent Owner operators in the United States, and a drastic number of trucking companies who ensures that the “Right things gets delivered at right time” to our people at any cost. So don’t we all have to extend our gratitude to serve them back? So we did! That’s why we chose this tax preparation profession with a bottom line to serve our beloved truckers with their HVUT Form 2290 tax filing needs at a very nominal pricing (As Low as $7.99) with no discrepancies in the quality of multiple services that we offer as we strictly remain adhered to our motto “Our SALES may go up or down; but our SERVICE stays forever“

During the show, you may find us, a product of Jeevan Technologies Inc. at Booth: 66125. In order to extend our gratitude towards the ever hard working trucking community we intend to offer freebies like cool t shirts, key chains and other accessories with embraced trucking lines. You may also refer to the printed show directory which would help you to manage your time effectively throughout the show. You can find the show timings over the course of its tenure as stated below.

Show Hours:

March 28th, 2019 Thursday VIP – 10AM to 1PM

March 28th, 2019 Thursday –   1PM to 6PM

March 29th, 2019 Friday –        10AM to 6PM

March 30th, Saturday –          9AM to 4PM

We look forward to building a strong business relationship in the future with your HVUT Form 2290 needs. See you soon at the MATS 2019. Keep Trucking, Keep Moving America Forward.