Category Archives: Form 2290 for 2020 Tax Year

Do you want to evade penalties? It’s about time you filed your form 2290

A month has passed by, yet the Form 2290 deadline has not..! The Form 2290 HVUT tax returns are due by the end of this month. Penalties for HVUT non-compliance are serious money; it is equal to 4.5 percent of total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis. Late filers who don’t make an HVUT payment also face an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of the total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accumulate as well.

Well, who would wish to spare the hard-earned money towards paying a late filing fee with interests, nobody right!  Hence, don’t hold up until the deadline to be the last moment filer that would make easy things hard and hard things even harder; that even tends us to commit mistakes over the Form 2290 while filing in a rush.

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Got a letter or notice from the IRS for your 2290 Tax Filings

Hello Truckers, hope you’re busy in between your 2290 Tax Season. We just need to add more details to your 2290 tax preparation process and remind you that eFile can help you big time to handle this 2290 taxes with ease. is the most preferred eFile website for Owner Operators and helps them to receive the IRS watermarked Schedule 1 receipt instantly. August 31 is the Due Date to report and pay the Federal Vehicle Use Tax ?Form 2290 on your heavy highway motor vehicle. 

IRS Letter or Notice – Don’t ignore it or get panic. 

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Is it due already? Are the taxes common for all the trucks? well let’s find out about your Form 2290

Dear HVUT filers, As we have learned to live along with the pandemic Virus on the loose we also have good news around different parts of the world regarding a vaccine for a cure. Hope it brings a breakthrough and saves lives. Till then be safe and sanitized. As you know the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, thousands of truckers have e-filed their HVUT Form 2290 for the current period already. So act before it’s too late to join the e-filer club and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in minutes.

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TruckDues team wishes everyone a Happy Friendship Day

A friend is the one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” They,

F-ights for you

R-espects you

I-nclude you

E-ncourage you

N-eed you

D-eserves you

S-tands by you

Even love can emerge at first sight but friendship takes years to build, A relationship that never breaks and stands by like a shadow of you. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. To all our dear truckers on the road, we extend our warm Friendship day wishes. You need your friends especially at this time of pandemic to make your life better and shoulder to rely on. The word Believe itself hides under the wings of friendship the strongest bond that has ever been created.

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Eliminate roadblocks in reporting Heavy Vehicle Use Tax returns by choosing electronic filing.

Truckers working hard to make sure that the essentials are shipped across the country. It is July and the Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes falls due for the new tax period. committed to offer the electronic filing service to the trucking community with more simplified features. We understand the importance of your business and are working persistently in effort to minimize disruptions associated with COVID-19. You can completely rely on us for your 2290 tax reporting as we have taken adequate steps to support you and your business with 2290 efiling. Electronic filing guarantees no blind spot or roadblocks, an easy walk through and faster process. IRS watermarked digital Schedule 1 Receipt instantly shared to your inbox. It is as simple as you read it… come experience the difference with

2290 efile for 2020
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