Tag Archives: Tag Renewal

Is your form 2290 being rejected? Know how to avoid rejections.

Hello there dear truckers, Hope you’re all fine. It’s time to brush up some basics and this is something that’s really important that needs to be taken into consideration before filing a Form 2290, we have been facing questions relating to rejection that occurs during filing your form 2290. Well, there are three different factors that play a major role in getting your form rejected. These rejections are mostly dues to small errors and can be rectified right away. Let’s see the factors in detail for a better and accurate filing of your taxes.

  1. RTN rejection (Routing Transit number entered wrong).
  2. EIN rejection (Due to New EIN OR Due to Mismatch in the name and address registered to the EIN)
  3. VIN duplication.
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Time is ticking! as the Form 2290 deadline Aug.31 fast approaches

Form 2290 for the tax year 2020 is due by Aug.31

Hello there dear truckers! Hope you’re all safe and sound. We are into the last phase of filing your taxes as we just have a week’s time before the deadline for your form 2290. As you know the form 2290’s are due by July and payable until august 31 every year. While most of you have filed your tax returns yet there are many who hasn’t filed yet. We would like to keep you posted about this as we are nearing the deadline and any filings done after august are subjected to penalties from the IRS.

Most of you have a common question asking that why should you renew now as your tag renewals are later this year and aren’t we supposed to do it only then? Well, that’s not how it works. Form 2290’s are always from July 1 to June 30 the following year and the taxes are to be paid upfront for the whole tax year. And how will the taxes be calculated? It depends on miles that you do in a tax year and the total gross weight of your vehicle {tractor + trailer + the max capacity that you can haul}. For a vehicle to qualify under a taxable category it should do more than 5000 miles in a tax year and the minimum gross weight should be 55000 lbs and above.

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Do you want to evade penalties? It’s about time you filed your form 2290

A month has passed by, yet the Form 2290 deadline has not..! The Form 2290 HVUT tax returns are due by the end of this month. Penalties for HVUT non-compliance are serious money; it is equal to 4.5 percent of total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis. Late filers who don’t make an HVUT payment also face an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of the total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accumulate as well.

Well, who would wish to spare the hard-earned money towards paying a late filing fee with interests, nobody right!  Hence, don’t hold up until the deadline to be the last moment filer that would make easy things hard and hard things even harder; that even tends us to commit mistakes over the Form 2290 while filing in a rush.

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Is it due already? Are the taxes common for all the trucks? well let’s find out about your Form 2290

Dear HVUT filers, As we have learned to live along with the pandemic Virus on the loose we also have good news around different parts of the world regarding a vaccine for a cure. Hope it brings a breakthrough and saves lives. Till then be safe and sanitized. As you know the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, thousands of truckers have e-filed their HVUT Form 2290 for the current period already. So act before it’s too late to join the e-filer club and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in minutes.

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Final pro-rated Form 2290 for Tax Year 2019-2020 is Due Today! Learn how to file your Tax return.

Hello there dear truckers! Hope you’re all safe and with sound health. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks due to Form 2290 renewals amidst the chaotic COVID – 19 outbreak. Today being the deadline to file Pro-rated Form 2290 for the tax year 2019 on vehicles that were first put into service in the month of June 2019, we have been receiving more and more returns to process, Most of them being regular 2290 filers and some new owner-operators. We receive a lot of calls on queries on how to file a 2290 form and what would happen next?  Most of them being common questions it’s our duty to clarify them and today we shall address some common questionnaire.

Now the following questions were discussed on a recent webinar conducted by the IRS and this should help you out in clarifying certain doubts:

Registrations of Tags:

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To our guardian angels on earth! Happy Father’s Day

A dad is someone who holds us when we cry, scolds us when we break the rules, shines with pride when we succeed, and has his faith in us even when we fail. Trucker dads certainly deserve this day of appreciation because they impede other dads as they sacrifice their happiness, family to concentrate towards serving the nation with its needs even Amidst the pandemic.

The quality of a father is seen by his goals, dreams and aspirations that he sets, not for himself but for his family by mentoring them towards success and Every great achiever is inspired by a mentor and that would definitely be a father. Any man can become a father but it takes something special to become a dad. To all the “Something Special” throughout the globe we say our happiest father’s day to you.

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Vehicle Tags vs From 2290, Is the renewal the same? No

Hey there truckers! Hope you’re current with all your taxes and tag renewals. It’s the start of the year and most of your taxes are up for renewal and the most common question that we face is whether the license plate renewal and the form 2290’s are in the same month, well it’s a big No! Both the taxes are yearly renewal however, the due dates are always different. So to have a better understanding we are going to discuss certain pointers.

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