Missed your Chance to E-file Form 2290, Well No worries, E-File Now!

If this rings a bell in your mind, probably you missed your HVUT Form Renewal. The Deadline to E-Renew Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2017 through June 2018 was Aug 31, 2017. However, we realize that everyone can’t really afford time to spare towards E-filing Form 2290 during this time due to their busy work schedule. Hence, it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the road. You may still renew your Form 2290’s now for the Period beginning July 2017 through June 2018 right now to stay away from incurring more penalties towards late filing and late payment of HVUT taxes.

Form 2290 is due now for vehicles which are especially been used on the road Since August 2017. As Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of the vehicle’s first use. On that basis, any tax returns filed beyond this time would not be considered to be a timely filing; hence late charges and penalties may apply.

Hence, please avoid procrastination when it comes to your Federal Excise Tax Return, as procrastinating on this tax might cost your hard earned top dollars.  That would not be good, ain’t it? Don’t hesitate when you got E-filing as an option and www.truckdues.com as your E-filing partner. We are always dedicated to serve our customers with top priority at any cost.  We ensure that they are completely satisfied by using our services. We have been significantly notified by many independent truckers across the nation as one of the best priced websites, we have also gained our trust among many trucking companies and communities across the country.

The sooner you e-file; the sooner you receive the IRS acknowledgment (The IRS Watermarked Copy of Schedule 1). Please feel free to reach our support team @ (347) 515 2290 [9. AM through 5 PM, Central Standard Time including weekends and all major federal holidays] or write us: support@truckdues.com or Live chat with our support team for instant help.