Tag Archives: efile Truck Dues

Get started with Form 2290, e-file

So truckers, how is the week treating you? Hope you are enjoying your drive behind the wheels. Our previous blog was about an Overview of Form 2290. However, today we are going to throw light on the documents required to file form 2290 and a detailed explanation of each of the document.

So let’s get started: For filing form 2290, the following information should be available handy:

  • EIN (Employee Identification Number)
  • VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
  • Gross taxable weight of the vehicle(s)
  • Purchase date and date of first use on the highway
  • Mention annual mileage if the vehicle is suspended.
  • If the vehicle is sold, mention the details like date of selling, VIN and whom the vehicle was sold
  • Claim a refund on suspended vehicle through form 2290

Note: To e file the return, you need to have this listed information ready.  Continue reading

www.TruckDues.com | Authentic E-file Service Provider

Being newest or the oldest, all matter here is authenticity and TruckDues.com serve it with elegance. Like every other tax product, we stand different with unique features, capturing the interest of our users, ensuring we are building our aloft with add on features.

TruckDues.com is one such service provider, involved in giving a human touch to e-filing form 2290 online. With the motive to eliminate the hardship of manual filing, we have established ourselves on invulnerable grounds with a touch of reliability.

Our standards are maintained high, yet, we are very easy on your pockets. User friendliness comes next in the list. Our approach is both intelligent and down to earth, ensuring a satisfactory e-filing form 2290. TruckDues.com is a right blend of web designs, cutting-edge technology and the application that will allow you to file form 2290. Continue reading