A huge shout out to the truckers and trucking taxpayers! The new tax year is just around the corner. You have to start preparing the truck tax reports and file them when the IRS starts accepting the HVUT form 2290 for the new tax year. IRS accepts new form 2290 only at the beginning of the tax season, which will be sometime around the first week of July 2022. Therefore, the IRS will be crowded with truckers and taxpayers looking to report their form 2290 for the TY 2022-2023 and get their respective schedule 1 copies to continue their trucking operation on the public highways. E-filing method will also be somewhat crowded because IRS takes some time longer than usual to process the online form 2290 tax reports due to jammed form 2290 reports. To overcome this situation, TruckDues.com introduced the form 2290 pre-filing method, which allows you to e-file form 2290 with us ahead of the tax season. We will hold it on your behalf and send it to the IRS when the tax season begins. Your form 2290 reports will be among the first to reach the IRS for processing, and you will get the form 2290 schedule 1 copy at the beginning of the tax season itself.
Tag Archives: 2290 efile
Pre eFile HVUT Form 2290 Today for Tax Year 2021- 22
Advance Your 2290 Tax Reporting for 2021-22. Choose Prefile! We’re with you, at every step of your efiling!
Truckdues is a product for every trucker, built by experts for the expert truckers!
Pre filing helps you better prepared for the truck tax season. Start your return and complete it in advance here and submit it. We will securely hold your return in our servers till the IRS starts processing for the tax year in the first week of July.
Filing your return in advance helps you concentrate fully on your business rather than think about the 2290 taxes. Done just let the tax preparation to take away all your time, we can help you with a simple interview based approach to complete your 2290 tax returns in minutes. Receive the IRS watermarked Schedule 1 receipt proof instantly. When pre filed you can get access to it once the IRS accepts your return.
Continue reading2290 Electronic Filing is three time faster at TruckDues
The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 has to be reported and paid to the IRS on heavy highway vehicles that is used on public highways. This is a yearly taxes and has to be paid in full for the tax year between July and August for the vehicles first used in July. The tax year for 2290 started this July 2020 through June 2021, the 2290 taxes are estimated using the vehicle taxable Gross Weight, Mileage Use and the First Used Month.
Pro Rated or Partial Period 2290 Taxes has to be reported and paid for the vehicles that is put to use after July 2021. If you have used your vehicle for the first time in April 2021 then you have until May 31 to report and pay the Partial Period or Pro Rated 2290 Taxes with the IRS. TruckDues brings you the fastest way of reporting 2290 taxes, 100% accurate math and 100% Satisfaction.

Electronic filing is three times faster here at TruckDues. Once a 2290 tax return is submitted you have an update in 10 to 15 minutes.
Continue readingTruckdues.com is open for business despite the COVID-19 situation
TruckDues.com is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. We value the trust you place in us and our team for your 2290 Electronic Filing service.
We understand the importance of your business and are working persistently in effort to minimize disruptions associated with COVID-19. You can completely rely on us for your 2290 tax reporting as we have taken adequate steps to support you and your business with 2290 efiling.
We have a comprehensive business continuity plan in place for natural disasters that has been adjusted to also cover a pandemic. We anticipate being able to service the needs of our customers, you can be confident that we are well equipped and prepared to aid you if you experience any challenges with 2290 electronic filing. You can continuously reach us at 347 – 515 – 2290 or write to us at support@truckdues.com.
Our thoughts are with our colleagues, customers and truckers who are working tirelessly to overcome the unique challenges brought on by this exceptional situation.
Please follow the guidelines issued by the CDC and Stay Safe.

Our Hearts with you all fighting strong against COVID-19
Good Morning TruckDues.com Users, Partners, Friends and Family.
Our hearts are with Truckers dealing with COVID-19, from keeping drivers healthy to meeting spikes in demand for certain freight movements. Like everyone we are striving to respond to the situation without any business disruption as possible. We remain confident in our spirit and ingenuity to move us past our current hurdles.
We understand there are states that has already declared state of emergency due to the outbreak and we have taken adequate measures internally and to our staffs. TruckDues.com continues to stand ready to ensure we continue to serve you with your 2290 reporting and our support desk allowed to work remotely to handle the situation and provide with the best possible support. Please continue to use our service and talk to us or email us. Thank you. Stay safe and strong.

2290 Tax e-File Countdown : Just few hours left to report it with IRS
Less than a day to have your Form 2290 and Schedule-1 renewed with the IRS, August 31 is the due date. High time to get it reported and renewed online in simple steps and fast process.
If you own and operate a heavy motor truck with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds and more, your are liable to report and pay 2290 truck taxes. It is simple and easy when you do it online with TruckDues.com an IRS authorized e-file service provider.
Form 2290, the heavy highway vehicle use tax is a fee assessed annually on vehicles that operate on public highways. Form 2290 is reported and paid in full by August 31, today is the deadline to have this 2290s reported with the IRS.
Electronic filing automates your tax preparation, you just key in your vehicle details with the tax year and first used month, taxable gross weight along with your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), your tax return is ready with inputs to file it with the IRS. It is simple and easy as 1-2-3..!
Electronic filing is the fastest way of filing your 2290 tax returns with the IRS, once you complete your tax return it is consolidated and sent to the IRS for processing. IRS verify the data and approves your Schedule-1 with an e-file watermark (stamp) which very well used as a proof for payment of taxes.
Delaying further would end up IRS audits, late fee and paying extra on top of your tax due. E-File is 100% accurate, fast, simple and secured. All the tax math happens automatically, 100% fast, IRS would process your 2290s immediately, and pushed to your email in-box once it is accepted.
Few days left for your 2290 tax filing due date
The Truck Tax Form 2290 return and Schedule-1 are already due and up for renewal, just few days left for your due date. Filing your 2290 truck taxes at the right time is more important as it create some extra space to correct and amend your returns when you get something odd in it. For vehicles first used on a public highway during July, file Form 2290 and pay the appropriate tax between July 1 and Aug. 31.
What may go wrong in your 2290 tax return? Continue reading
2290 E-Filing for 2016 TY has started with TruckDues.com, Start filing now!
We’re ready with 2290 HVUT, Electronic Filing for 2016-17 Tax Year. Filing 2290 Taxes Online is Convenient and Inexpensive. Started accepting 2290 Truck Tax Returns for the tax year 2016-2017, the easiest and simplest way for e-filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Returns in USA.
E-Filing for 2016 has started. Start filing now
2290 Truck Tax Returns for 2016-2017 is Now Ready! E-file it Today… Continue reading