E-Renew your 2017-2018 Form 2290 as we merely got a week’s time until Deadline!

Time waits for none, it really matters how we efficiently utilize the time in getting our works done. The same saying applies when it comes to your HVUT Form 2290 deadline, The IRS let you e-filing your Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 since the beginning of July 2017. They gave you 90 days before you can e-renew your Form 2290, by far 55 days has passed by, hence we got very less time left behind to meet the deadline.

We realize, for truckers the word time to spare doesn’t even exist as they are extremely committed on road busy fulfilling the nation’s needs. However, it is our duty to remind our ever hardworking truckers about their HVUT tax deadlines so they won’t get caught into the bait with the Internal Revenue Service.

Having said that, few amongst the crowd might also procrastinate on this HVUT tax deadline. Well guess what, you’d be able to file your tax return even after the deadline but you will be receiving a notice from the IRS stating penalties & interests incurred due to your late filing & late payment. The worst part among all would be that you ought to play a hard level game with the IRS to explain and justify your stand in being late on your tax filing with a reasonable cause ground reason.

Form 2290 is generally due by June and it is payable until the end of August.  On this basis, your schedule 1 copy- The proof of filing your Form 2290 for last year (For the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017) has expired already. So you are required to renew your Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 before 08/31/2017 to file and pay your Form 2290 without any interests.

Truckdues.com is rated to the most reliable and nominally charging website to E-file the HVUT Form 2290. It has earned its trust among many independent truckers, trucking companies and major trucking communities across the nation. E-filing begins here as low as $7.99. Why waiting until the deadline when we got E-filing as an option.  Log on to www.truckdues.com and Renew your 2017-2018 Form 2290 before Aug 31, 2017 (08/31/2017) to stay away from the IRS penalties and interests.