Have you bought a new truck and puzzled what to do next? Well, you need to get your Form 2290’s first to get your license plates done. The next question that would come up in our mind is when to report it. As per the IRS you get 60 days to report your new vehicle.
Any new vehicle bought can be reported until the last day of the following month from the date of its first use i.e. if you would have bought the vehicle in the month of September and plan to put it on the road then you have time until October the 31stto report the vehicle and pay the taxes.
And the next important question which normally arises in our mind is “Should we pay the taxes for the whole year?” Well not necessarily. You will be reporting the vehicle from the first used month till June 30th of the following year, you will be reporting the vehicle on pro-rated basis and pay the taxes for the remaining months only but not for the whole year.
The common doubt which would arise is whether the vehicle would be taxable or not. Well if you intend to drive over 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural vehicle) until June 30th and if your vehicle’s total gross weight including the maximum load it can haul is more than 55,000 lbs you vehicle would be categorized under taxable vehicle else just report the vehicle under suspended (exempt from tax) category.
Truckdues has been rated to be one of the most reliable websites by most owner operators for its user friendliness and reliability. You wouldn’t face any hassle while e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 even though it happens to be your first time. Receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 within minutes after you e-file.