A dad is someone who holds us when we cry, scolds us when we break the rules, shines with pride when we succeed, and has his faith in us even when we fail. Trucker dads certainly deserve this day of appreciation because they impede other dads as they sacrifice their happiness, family to concentrate towards serving the nation with its needs even Amidst the pandemic.
The quality of a father is seen by his goals, dreams and aspirations that he sets, not for himself but for his family by mentoring them towards success and Every great achiever is inspired by a mentor and that would definitely be a father. Any man can become a father but it takes something special to become a dad. To all the “Something Special” throughout the globe we say our happiest father’s day to you.
He who never sleeps and never eats just to make sure we are fed well beyond his competence but yet he never expects praise. It’s our dear truckers who does the same to our nation at the time of needs, you have carried us on your shoulders as a dad would do, fed us, nurtured us on time is what you do, our hearty thanks to all our dear truckers who have sacrificed their time and risking your lives day and night, we extended our love and prayers so may the good Lord be with you and safeguard you throughout your journey.
A father meets his family’s needs but forgets what he needs. To our entire trucking dad’s community, It’s almost time for you to file your taxes and we are here with you to support with it. And why to wait till the due date when you can pre-file your Form 2290 for the Tax Year 2020-2021 offseason and relax during the tax filing season. Just log on to www.TruckDues.com and enter your details and vehicle specifications and lets us do the rest of your work for you. Stay safe!