Hello there dear Truckers! Hope you’re safe and sound amidst the pandemic. As you all know it’s just weeks before Form 2290 is up for renewal and it’s time to give some pointers and educate on the new and handy updates on our website to make your filings easier. Filing 2290’s has become easier as we always take a step closer to simplify out the process.
As you know you will be able to pre-file your tax returns for the tax year July 2020 – June 2021 with us we have brought a small update to the filing process, most of our customers call in to file the taxes for the same trucks and suggested if there was a cloning option to replicate the same filing as previously done. You’ve asked for it and we’ve done it.

Steps to clone a return:
- Select the double arrow mark near the return ID (see the pic displayed above for reference)
- the system would ask you for the tax year and the first used month

For example, if you are filing for the upcoming tax year select the tax year as July 2020-June 2021 and the first used month as July 2020 and click create a return.
- then you would be routed to the vehicle information page where you can verify the VIN number then hit next,
- Now you will be routed to the IRS payment option page where you may select the payment method to pay your taxes, you would be given three options to choose from (refer the pic below) and, The system would also accumulate the previously filed bank account details if you had chosen “EFW Electronic Funds Withdrawal” as the payment method.

Once after verifying these steps, you just need to pay the service fee using your credit/debit card and submit the form to the IRS (Note: we do not save your card details).
We believe this feature would help you file your taxes faster and easier with greater accuracy and if you encounter any issues you may always drop us an email to support@truckdues.com or call us at 347-515-2290 to assist you with all your 2290 needs
Also do not forget, we are available on the android platform as well, so that you may file your taxes on the go using your mobile phone. Just search for www.Truckdues.com on google play store to download the application for free. Even at the time of a pandemic you are still on the roads to meet our commitments, we salute you and hope you stay safe during your long journeys.