Hey there Truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is now due by Dec 31st, 2018 for vehicles first used since Nov 2018. The federal law states that the Form 2290 must be filed on a vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. On that basis, the Form 2290 must be filed by Dec 31st, 2018 for any vehicle that is into service since November 2018. Continue reading
Tag Archives: when is form 2290 due?
Truckdues.com wishes everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day in Advance!
Life is Eternal, Love is immortal. Sharing your Love with others will strengthen the love you have for yourself. Many people around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day by showing appreciation for the people they love or adore. Some people take their loved ones for a romantic dinner at a restaurant while others may choose this day to propose or get married. Many people give greeting cards, chocolates, jewelry or flowers, particularly roses, to their partners or admirers on Valentine’s Day. Continue reading
Less than 24 hours to complete your 2290 Truck Taxes…
Attention Heavy Highway Truckers, you just have less than 24 hours to complete your 2290 truck tax returns with IRS. E-file would be the smart move, choose e-file and complete it online with the IRS. Stamped Schedule-1 proof will be available in just minutes.
Form 2290 e-file is just $7.99 for a single truck and affordable for all truckers, we along with IRS encourage every trucker who needs to file 2290 returns to choose electronic filing as it is faster and secured. When you choose to file your 2290 tax returns online you could receive your stamped Schedule-1 proof as earlier as IRS accepts your returns and share it across. Continue reading