Category Archives: Truck Tax 2290 efiling

Form 2290 annual renewal is due by month-end (Aug 31, 2021) for TY 2021-22, E-file Now!

2290 tax efile 2021The calendar is now rolled to the Deadline; it’s that time of year when you need to start preparing your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) return using IRS Tax Form 2290. This is an annual tax reported on heavy motor trucks operated on public highways. All truckers, truck owners, owner-operators, trucking companies who own and operate heavy motor vehicles with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more, estimated to drive 5,000 miles or more on public highways must file IRS Form 2290 and pay the annual federal excise tax in full.

Whether you’re a private, for-hire, or specialized carrier, you can electronically prepare and report Federal Form 2290 tax requirements at While reporting 2290 tax, you could adjust the sold or traded vehicle credits and low mileage credits on vehicles from previous tax years. For a vehicle destroyed, stolen or sold before June 1, a credit for tax paid can be claimed on the next Form 2290 or a refund of the tax paid can be claimed on form 8849 schedule -6. Continue reading

Pocket Friendly 2290 eFile Service for Tax Year 2021 – 22

The Heavy Truck Tax Form 2290 is now due for the tax year July 2021 through June 2022, this August 31, 2021 is the due date for Truck Taxpayers to complete this filing and pay the taxes. The IRS encourages every truck taxpayers to choose electronic filing, TruckDues is the IRS authorized efile provider and top rated by Owner  Operators. Only efiling can assure you the IRS stamped schedule 1 receipt copy instantly. Our super star support team is available through the week from 8:00 AM to 8:00PM Central Time on all the days Monday to Sunday to help you through your 2290 efiling.

Truck Tax Form 2290 efile

Pocket Friendly Form 2290 Truck Tax eFiling:

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IRS is Open for 2021-2022 filings, E-file your Form 2290 in Minutes.

Hello, there dear truckers! hope you’re safe and so is your family, As we step into the new tax year July 2021 to June 2022, its time to renew your form 2290 taxes, yes as you know the form 2290 is due by July 1, 2021, and payable until August 31, 2021. It’s the hectic time of the year as we tend to miss out on small details that may lead to a larger issue. Today we are going to prepare a checklist for you so that you may brace yourself for the upcoming tax year.

Things that you need to file your form 2290:

  • EIN
  • Name of the business
  • The exact address for the business
  • VIN number of the truck
  • The total gross weight of the truck
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For many truckers Form 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax is now due

It is July, the federal heavy vehicle use tax form 2290 falls automatically due for all the truckers irrespective if your earlier filings. Anyone who registers a heavy highway motor vehicle in their name with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more must file Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return. Usually the filing deadline is August 31 however you can report and pay the HVUT taxes at the earliest and receive the IRS watermarked schedule 1 receipt instantly at TruckDues. It is simple and easy when you do it online with an IRS authorized e-file service provider.

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Form 2290 filing period is fast approaching choose eFile to gain a competitive advantage

The American Trucking industry is delivering the most essential service for the nation, lot of businesses rely on it for their everyday operations. The for-hire carriers and private carriers make up most of the nation’s trucking companies. Truckers were doing incredible efforts at the forefront. Wish they Stay Safe and Keep on Trucking!

Truck Tax Form 2290 filing period is around the corner, from July 1, 2021 the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax returns has to be reported and paid. This is a yearly tax covering the 12 months period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Electronic filing is the best way to report this 2290 taxes with the IRS and pay online, by yourself and with pocket friendly service like Start today, it is as easy as 1-2-3!

Truck tax 2290 efile
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