Thanks our Truckers for Driving Us into Another Successful Season!

We want to take this moment to thank you all for making the tax filing period of this season a monumental success. We are delighted to announce that we recorded the highest Form 2290 tax e-filing for in this period. Again, we thank you for your contribution and for choosing us as your constant Form 2290 e-filing service partner. Also, many new truckers and trucking taxpayers have joined our family and successfully e-filed Form 2290 tax reports for this season. We sincerely hope you had an amazing experience on our platform and will continue your Form 2290 tax filing journey.

If you missed the deadline; Act Now!

Suppose you have missed the deadline to report Form 2290 HVUT returns for this tax season. In that case, you must act right now and control the damage. IRS will charge penalties, late fees, and interest on your tax dues. You must pay them and your taxes to get a valid Schedule 1 receipt to continue your trucking operation in the United States. So, E-file Form 2290 on today and reduce the penalties.

FREE VIN Correction Services on

Don’t forget to use our FREE VIN correction service if you have entered the wrong VIN for your truck while e-filing and received the Schedule 1 receipt with the incorrect VIN. You shouldn’t operate your trucks with improper Schedule 1 receipts. You will face difficulties registering your vehicle, license renewal, insurance claims, and with departments like DMV, DOT, etc. IRS Schedule 1 receipt is one of the most essential documents for your truck to ensure smooth operation on public highways. Therefore, if you stop any errors in your truck’s VIN on the IRS Schedule 1 receipt, you must apply Form 2290 VIN correction in our platform and instantly get the revised Schedule 1 receipt. offers FREE VIN correction for truckers who e-filed their tax reports on our platform. If you have e-filed elsewhere or paper-filed your tax returns, you should pay a small service charge of $9.99.

E-file for Form 2290 Amendments and Form 8849 Schedule 6 Claims.

Along with VIN correction service, we also provide Form 2290 Amendments e-filing and Form 8849 Schedule 6 refund claims. You can file for amendments under both categories: exceeded mileage limit or increase in total gross weight. provides comfortable Form 2290 amendment e-filing; users can choose their preferred amendment, prepare the reports, upload the supporting documents, and transmit them to the IRS. They will verify and process your 2290 amendment reports and send the revised Schedule 1 receipt to your registered email address. You can pay the difference tax amount through IRS-authorized online payment gateways.

Smooth credit/refund claims under IRS – approved categories.

Truckers and trucking taxpayers can also e-file Form 8849 Schedule 6 refund claims on our platform. IRS will grant refunds on paid tax dues under conditions like,

  • Overpaid or double-paid the actual tax amount.
  • Sold, stolen, destroyed, or transferred trucks.
  • Low mileage.

You can choose the refund category in our platform, provide necessary supporting documents, and e-file for refund claims. You can also claim credits from the IRS to use during the next tax payment. Remember that if you request 2290 tax refunds, the IRS will send the refund check to your registered address though you e-filed online.

For more information, Contact our customer executive at 347-515-2290 for all your form 2290 e-filing-related queries. They are available at your service on all working days from 8 AM to 6 PM EST. Also, you can write your questions to, and we will reply as soon as possible.