Tag Archives: Save Trees

Why E-filing is better than Traditional paper Filing?

Go greenWelcome Back! You have now landed at the right place in case you have been wondering why everyone’s talking laurels about e-filing over the conventional paper filing. Evidently, you would follow the “go green” movement immediately; without wasting any paper products & derivatives of little left trees that we love.

The ability to file your tax returns round the clock throughout the week right at your desk at home; makes our lives easy & comfortable. The speed of the entire tax return process dramatically increases with e-filing over the conventional paper method due to the advanced Internet capabilities thus saving you money and energy worked out on postage/fax/courier/delivery charges, which instead could be used for other valuable things.

E-filing is very convenient as it keeps you away from the matchless difficulties that occurs while paper filing like waiting endlessly for approvals, scattering here and there for additional information and so on. In addition to its delicacy, you receive the IRS watermarked copy of Schedule 1 copy in no time. Having said that, you might wonder how safe is this by the way? Well, your data would remain over secured servers via Internet hence it is invisible to the naked eye after a few clicks hence there is no chances of breach. Continue reading