Hello, truckers! Gone are the days of scrambling with paperwork, stuffing envelopes with tax forms, filing checks or sending money orders to fulfil your HVUT liabilities. You can now smoothly report Form 2290 HVUT returns to the IRS through the E-filing method on TruckDues.com. Also, you can pay your tax dues online through various IRS-authorized payment methods and gateways. All of these can be done from the comfort of your home, office or anywhere on the road at your convenience. Our user-friendly platform ensures a smooth, quick, secure and accurate Form 2290 online E-filing solution. Go digital! Embrace Form 2290 E-filing with TruckDues.com today!
Tag Archives: Check or Money Order
How do I pay my 2290?

When it comes to E-Filing your IRS Form 2290 through an authorized E-File provider such as Truckdues.com, there are 4 different payment options. Taxpayers can pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, Credit/debit card payment, Check or Money Order. The options to pay by check or money order may be easier to understand, but the options for Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS and credit/debit card payment may need an additional explanation.
If you elect to pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, you can use either a checking or savings account. You will need to enter the U.S. Bank Account Number and Routing Number in order for the IRS to Process the payment. This information is typically listed on a check.
Form 2290 – Tax payment Options
Like it or not, taxes are part of our lives now. Any newbie to E-filing HVUT Form 2290 will sure have this question running on back of his/her mind from time he decides to E-file Form 2290. Thank the IRS for not forcing you to pay taxes for this Form with only one option. There are three different ways to pay your HVUT taxes when you file them online, those are: Continue reading
Pay Your HVUT Online Through The Following Payment Methods:
So truckers, how are you keeping these days. With the weekend around the calendar, we all look forward for a day or two of relaxation from our hectic schedule. However, today, we are going to talk about the payment methods applicable while filing form 2290 through TruckDues.com.
With the online filing trend setting up high, it is always good to file and pay your dues online with the hectic schedule in hand. Besides, who has time to run to IRS office, submit your form and pay your dues through money order? To add ease to your role, opt for e-filing form 2290 online with TruckDues.com.
Before we proceed, let’s take a look at the definition of Form 2290:
Form 2290:
Form 2290 is an application to file Heavy Vehicle Used Tax. The tax is calculated based upon the weight carried by a truck on a public highway i.e. 55,000 pounds or more. However, if you are wondering why you are supposed to file form 2290, it is believed that these heavy vehicles cause most of the damage to the public highway. And the fund collected through the form is directly funded in the wear and tear of the roads for better transportation.
E-filing is one of the methods to file form 2290 and below we would be discussing the methods of making a payment online. Keep following to know more.
Direct Debit/ Electronic Funds Withdrawal:
The very first method applicable to pay your dues online is Direct Debit/Electronic Funds Withdrawal. The IRS would initiate a payment through the details you had mentioned while transmitting form 2290. Do note you hold responsible to maintain sufficient funds in your account before you make a payment. You can also revoke the payment by getting in touch with U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days before the settlement date.
EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System):
The next payment method up in the line is EFTPS for filing form 2290. Electronic Federal Tax Payment System is an IRS initiative. You have to schedule the payment on your own and it’s your responsibility to ensure a timely payment. To create or manage, you can visit eftps.gov or call 1-800-555-4477. To initiate a payment through this account, the transaction should be initiated at least one business day before the due date.
Check or Money Order:
Well, if you are not comfortable using online payment methods, you can always pay your dues through money order. All you need to do is, print the completed payment voucher 2290-V and mail it to IRS.
Taxpayers are not allowed to pay their taxes through cash. The check or money order should be payable to United States Treasury. Add details like name, address, EIN, “Form 2290,” and the date (as entered in Box 3) on your payment. Detach the payment voucher 2290-V and send across the payment. If you choose to file it electronically (e-filing), form 2290 and schedule-1 copy with the payment voucher is not required. Stapling the payment to the voucher or form 2290 should be avoided.
Send the payment and voucher 2290-V to:
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 804525
Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525
So what is the wait for? Are you still thinking how safe you are? Well, we have security at our bay. Choose the method you are comfortable with and schedule 1 copy would be reaching you in minutes.
Get in touch with our Tax Expertise at (347) 515 – 2290 or simply drop in a mail to support@truckdues.com. We are here for you, for better back-end support.
Happy Trucking! – Team TruckDues.com