Tag Archives: 2290 PREFILE

Pre-file Form 2290 for the New Tax Period to Avoid the Last-Minute Rush! 

Hello, truckers! TruckDues.com would like to announce that we are accepting Form 2290 pre-files for the upcoming tax period, 2024-2025. Truckers have already started pre-filing their Form 2290 HVUT returns in our platform to avoid the seasonal rush and get their Schedule 1 receipt as early as possible at the beginning of the tax season.

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Last Few Days left to E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290!

Hello there truckers, we hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday. Now we believe it’s going to be the time to keep you informed about the near term HVUT Form 2290 Deadline which is due in a couple of days. Continue reading