Form 2290 Pro-rated Taxes for March Used Trucks are Due in a Few Days!

Dear Truckers! is an IRS – approved modernized form 2290 online e-filing service provider serving truckers to report their truck taxes online effectively. We would like you to remind our trucking community that the last date to report form 2290 pro-rated taxes for the trucks first used on March 2023 is due by May 01, 2023. As the due date is just around the corner, you must e-file pro-rated form 2290 truck taxes on and stay ahead of this month’s deadline.

Pro-rated form 2290 are mandatory!

Pro-rated truck taxes are estimated from the trucks’ first used month till the end of the ongoing tax season. In this case, you must estimate your pro-rated taxes from March to June 2023 and report them accordingly using form 2290 to the IRS and get the valid schedule 1 receipt within the last date, May 01. 2023.

Easily e-file pro-rated form 2290 on!

IRS made form 2290 online e-filing mandatory for truckers filing HVUT for twenty-five heavy vehicles and more. Also, they encourage owners and filers with a single heavy vehicle to e-file form 2290 online through an IRS-authorized service provider. Form 2290 e-filing process is smooth, simple, and quick. Also, it is easy for the IRS to process tax returns quickly and accurately without any errors and difficulties from their side. Since every process is automated through modern technology regarding form 2290 online e-filing, IRS can process the 2290 tax returns within no time and send back the digitally watermarked schedule 1 copy through email as proof of successful 2290 tax payments. Therefore, form 2290 e-filing is the ideal way to report your pro-rated form 2290 for March used trucks to stay ahead of the deadline and get the schedule 1 receipt before the deadline. is the best platform to e-file form 2290 on time! offers easy and effective ways to report form 2290 truck tax returns to the IRS and instantly get the stamped schedule 1 receipt. We have a convenient online platform where you can prepare your form 2290 truck tax reports, transmit them to the IRS, pay your tax dues online through all IRS-approved electronic payment methods, and get the digitally watermarked schedule 1 receipt to your registered email. Form 2290 e-filing service charges at starts at just $7.99 for a single-vehicle return. We also have seasonal and package prices for bulk vehicle returns. You can reach our customer support team at (347) – 515 – 2290, a toll-free number. Our executives are available from 8 AM to 6 PM EST on all working days. They will attend your call immediately and sort out all your form 2290 and tax e-filing-related queries within no time. You can also write to us at