The Deadline to Report Pro-rated Form 2290 Truck Taxes is Approaching!

Attention truckers! If you have a newly purchased or first used heavy vehicle in August 2023, you must report Form 2290 HVUT tax returns for those vehicles to the IRS and get the IRS Schedule 1 receipt before the time runs out. Per the IRS regulations, the last date to report Form 2290 truck taxes for August used trucks is October 02, 2023. So, we call out all truckers and trucking taxpayers with trucks used in August to act now. E-file pro-rated Form 2290 truck tax reports on to have a stress-free Form 2290 e-filing experience and instantly get the IRS Schedule 1 receipt.

Estimate your pro-rated truck from your vehicles first used month.

As you know, this year’s tax period has already started in July and ends next June. Truckers must estimate the taxes in advance for the entire tax period and report them to the IRS within the deadline during the start of every tax period. For the truckers with newly purchased heavy vehicles or first used trucks on any other month from the beginning of the tax period (July), the IRS charges Form 2290 tax reports on a pro-rated basis. Truckers can only report and pay Form 2290 from the first used month of their heavy vehicle. Therefore, estimate your Form 2290 truck tax reports on a pro-rated basis from the vehicle’s first used month until the end of the ongoing tax period and properly report the taxes to the IRS. Truckers with August used vehicles must estimate prorated Form 2290 truck taxes from August 2023 to June 2024.

The deadline is right around the corner.

The last date, October 02, 2023, is just a few days away. So, ensure that if you haven’t reported your prorated 2290 taxes yet, act now and e-file Form 2290 HVUT returns on our platform and immediately get the IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 receipt to your email. Otherwise, the IRS will charge hefty penalties, late fees, and interests over your tax dues. Also, you cannot operate your heavy vehicles on public highways without having a valid Schedule 1 receipt. So, don’t miss the deadline to report your pro-rated 2290 returns and get the IRS Schedule 1 receipt on time.

E-file pro-rated Form 2290 on! is an IRS-approved modernized Form 2290 HVUT e-filing platform where hundreds and thousands of truckers and trucking taxpayers e-file Form 2290 online every month. You will get a smooth and flawless Form 2290 e-filing experience where you can save time and money. You can prepare your taxes in simple steps and transmit your tax reports to the IRS within a few minutes. There are many features that make your 2290 tax preparation easy, even if you have to e-file 2290 reports for multiple heavy vehicles. You can also estimate your tax amount through our tax calculator feature and pay your taxes online directly to the IRS through secured online payment gateways. Form 2290 e-filing charges start at just $7.99 on our platform. For more queries, contact our customer support team at (347) – 515 – 2290 or write to us at